
woman-thinkEvery woman goes through it. The situation where there’s a guy that seems to be the epitome of prince charming but when it’s all said and done he’s just not that into you. And you’re probably wondering – well, why not? You got your hair done, you laughed at all of his jokes, you wore the perfect dress and even shaved your legs. What could it be?

Well ladies, sorry but there’s no definitive answer as to why he wasn’t interested. Many guys have a type that they go after and in a lot of cases if you’re not that type then you may be overlooked. Guys are visual beings and do not think about the things women do. Instead, if they don’t feel a spark initially they move on. While women on the other hand think differently. When women aren’t crazy about a man’s trait they’ll move forward by dissecting the other reasons this guy could potentially be “the one.” Guys don’t over think, they immediately move onto the next one. If there’s no initial attraction, they’ll dismiss all possibilities of a relationship together.

Men don’t have a time clock. Either way old or young, they have it made. Think about it – it doesn’t matter if a man is with a younger or older woman because they don’t view the age as a negative item. Women on the other hand, have a biological time clock dealing with along with the views of others that deem single woman negatively. He’s just not that into you because he doesn’t have to be. There will be options for men, no matter what their age is because they haven’t made a timeframe deadline. Hugh Hefner was having children into his seventies – there’s clearly no window that is pressing men to put a ring on it.

Woman With Man She Shouldnt DateAs a woman, you also have to take into consideration the type of guy you’re going after. Bad boys are deemed bad for a reason. While they may have amazingly great looks, odds are they are single for a reason and are not in it for the long haul. So while you may be basking in pit of sorrow – don’t! He’s not into you because he’s not ready for a real relationship. While he may like the idea of a relationship, in reality he’s not ready for a commitment. Therefore, it’s important to weed out these guys when you’re playing the dating field. Don’t waste your time with men that have no relationship interest – stop telling yourself that you can change him because truth is you can’t. Stop chasing men that are consumed with self vanity issues instead, look for men that want to settle down, start a family and grow old together.

The road to Mr. Right can prove to be difficult and challenging. But if you’re willing to stay in it for the long haul you will eventually find the one that is into you.

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