Praying for your spouse is one of the most the best things you can do for your marriage, especially when your marriage is in crisis. In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul instructed all Christians to pray for one another and that includes our spouses. This includes our responsibility and privilege to pray for our spouse. It’s important that you arm your marriage in God’s Word and trust God to guide your marriage in all circumstances. If you’ve been desperate for breakthrough in your marriage, earnest prayer for your spouse is necessary. Many of us are at points in our marriage that if something doesn’t change soon, we’re not sure how much more we can handle. This is right where the devil wants you. There’s nothing the Enemy desires more than to destroy your marriage, especially the character of your spouse and the well-being of your relationship. If you trust God through prayer as you daily surrender your spouse and marriage to the Lord’s wise, loving care, you will be in a better position to combat any attacks from the Enemy. Here six things to pray for your marriage beginning now.

Every day is a battle against temptation and evil. This is one of the big reasons why it's so important that you pray for protection in your marriage. The Bible tells us, “Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11). It’s important that we lift up this protective prayer for our spouses and trust in God’s Word as truth so that the Enemy has no power over them. This can begin by lifting up a powerful prayer to protect your marriage from all harm. Just as a soldier wouldn’t think of going into battle unless properly equipped, you should start every day with a prayer requesting that your spouse be equipped with spiritual defenses. Lift up this prayer so that your marriage is guarded, guided and protected: Dear God, make my spouse sober-minded, watchful and clothed with Your protective armor, that he or she may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. Amen.
Your Family

It’s important that you pray for your family daily. Praying for your spouse and your marriage daily blesses you and your family. Faithfully lift up your spouse and their role as a parent. It’s important that your spouse is a godly parent and leads your children and family well. Ask God to show them how to delight in your kids at all ages and stages, giving them proper time and attention. Also, pray that your spouse to lead your children in the right ways, to give them patient training and biblical instruction. Finally, ask God to guide your spouse and direct them to bring your children up in the ways of Him: Dear God, I pray that my spouse would reflect Your love to our children in tender nurture, training, discipline, counsel and admonition of You. I know that the best relationship a person can have is one with You. I pray that we will reflect Your love to our children effectively and that they know that they can always count on You. Amen.
God’s Active Presence

Fear is placing your faith in “what-ifs” rather than “God is.” It’s important that your spouse knows that their strength only comes from one source: our Heavenly Father. We often think that we are in control of our lives when God is really the one in the driver seat. No matter what circumstances you both may face at your jobs or in your household, it’s imperative that you lean on God together. When things are falling apart, it’s easy to get caught up thinking that you can fight the battles all alone, but you can’t. God shows us again and again that He will protect us and bless us in spite of our fear and emotions. Pray for your husband’s continual strength. Also, pray that he knows that God is with him, even through the toughest times: Dear Lord, thank You for today, yesterday and tomorrow. My family, my joys, my sorrows for all that made us stronger. Amen.

It’s good to lift up prayers of acknowledgment and thanks for your spouse. We won’t always get the outcomes we’re hoping for in marriage and that’s ok. A big part of marriage is being grateful for your spouse and all the joys the relationship provides. It’s also important that you give thanks to our Heavenly Father in prayer. The Bible tells us, “Give thanks to the LORD for He is good: His love endures forever” (Psalm 107:1). When you pray for your spouse, pray that they remember to give thanks to God in all things and in all circumstances. This is God’s Will for you and your husband in Jesus Christ: Dear Lord, I thank You for my spouse. Grant me a heart of thankfulness for them that transcends every season, so that in every moment I would not cease to give thanks for them. Amen.
For Courage

Lift up your spouse right now and pray that God will anoint them with strength. It’s important that your spouse is in good health and capable of doing good work so praying for their strength is imperative. It’s also important that you pray for your spouse’s heart that it would dwell on God as opposed to earthly desires. When you and your spouse are anchored together in the Word of God, there is nothing the two of you can’t conquer together. Continue to pray that your spouse will place their worries, cares and troubles into God’s hand, who has the power to give him strength and direction: Dear Lord, I pray for my spouse, they he/she will humble himself/herself before You and be strong, courageous and careful to do everything written in Your Word. We know that we can get through any obstacle we face in our marriage with Your help. Amen.
Trust in Christ

We often tell people to trust the Lord when we are trying to encourage them through a time of challenge or darkness. We also say it when we are miserable with fear – fear of the future, fear of tragedy and fear of others. The Bible tells us to trust in the Lord in our times of trouble and He will rescue you and give you glory (Psalm 50:1). We can't have a healthy relationship with our spouse without trust. Lifting up a prayer that you and your spouse might trust the Lord is one of the best prayers you can raise, especially when you’re in need of a marital breakthrough. Pray that no matter what obstacles your spouse faces today that they will trust God with it: Dear God, I pray that Christ may live in my spouse’s heart and that they would trust in You. I pray that my spouse will always have the ability to recognize how present You are in their life and that we both will have the power to understand how deep Your love really is. Amen.
First Thessalonians 5:17-18 says, “Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances: for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” You have the power to not only transform your marriage but also have a marital breakthrough through the power of prayer. Pray these prayers with complete confidence in Jesus and the Holy Spirit at work in your marriage. Prayer is guaranteed to be your most rewarding work in partnership with each other. Use it as your everyday tool to build up your marriage.