2016-06-30 2016-06-30
Video Advice Inspiration Religious Views Quizzes Discussions



Have you ever prayed to God to find you a mate?


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Are You Happy Being Single?

Is Your Marriage Spiritual?

Love In Sacred Texts


Beyond chocolate and flowers--V- day gifts for the heart and soul.

St. Valentine, Love's Martyr
What is Valentine's Day really about? Discover the legend behind the saint who has inspired love for centuries. Relationship Advice

Create a Spiritual Love Nest
Can't sleep? No sex drive? No partner? The problem may be rooted in your bedroom. Feng Shui expert Nancy SanPietro offers tips and makes over a Beliefnet member's bedroom.

Why Dating Is Good for Your Soul
Dating is usually seen as a road to marriage--but we shouldn't overlook the spiritual value of dating for its own sake.
By Donna Freitas

Manifesting True Love
If you don't believe love is possible for you, it will never happen. But if you do believe...
By Daphne Rose Kingma

Would You Use Magic to Get Your Man?
Wiccan priestess Phyllis Curott shares her love spell.

Love or In Love -- What's the Difference?
It's good to experience both in a relationship.
By Thomas Moore

Eight Ideas for Meaningful Dates
Suggestions for making your Valentine's Day--and your relationship--more spiritual.

A Time for Family Love
Consider using the holiday to remind your kids that they are cherished.
By Mimi Doe

Giving from the Heart
This Valentine's Day, give something different to the person you love.
By Shmuley Boteach

Flowers for the Fellas
Let's give some credit to the men, finally.
By Frederica Mathewes-Green

Inspiring Stories
Can an Angel Be a Matchmaker?
How angels can bring people together to be life partners.
By Brad and Sherry Steiger

Plus: Has an angel been your matchmaker?

Enough: A Valentine
A Valentine to my wife, who showed me there is always room, right where I am.
By Anthony Sacramone

Sometimes Love Is Heaven Sent
Does God play matchmaker?

A Story for Valentine's Day
A husband learns to focus on the positive in his marriage.

A Tour of Your Sacred Heart
The locus of love and desire is mentioned in all religions. Here's how to harness the power of love.
By Diane Goldner

How Would Buddha Love?
Buddha counseled his followers to be compassionate, connected--and non-clingy--in relationships.
By Lama Surya Das

A Muslim Meditation on Love
Akbar S. Ahmed ponders five love poems from God

Do You Have Time to Love?
The greatest gift you can offer loved ones is your true presence.
By Thich Nhat Hanh

Religious Views of Valentine's Day
Should Muslims Celebrate Valentine's Day?

Shiva: Matchmaker God
A time-honored Hindu practice yields powerful romantic results.

Ask the Swami
Valentine's Questions for Hindus

Who Took the St. Out of St. Valentine?
This saint was never very important in the Catholic calendar.
By Charlotte Allen

Valentine's Etiquette:
Why Do Some Jews Call It Heart Day?
Do Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Valentine's Day?
Arthur Magida explains.

Learning to Love Valentine's Day
A Jewish View of Valentine's Day.
Plus: Should Jews Celebrate Valentine's Day?

A Mormon Valentine's Day
An appreciation of my Mormon Church friends.
By Linda Hoffman Kimball

What Was Your Favorite Valentine's Day?
Do You Believe in Love at First Sight?
Is Romantic Love the Same as True Love?

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