Man and woman drinking tea on a date

Dating is a concept that has been revolutionized. Single adults are now able to go online and find their soul mate. Since it is a fairly new concept, many people are asking the doting question, “Are you a Christian if you find love online?”

The answer is absolutely YES! Your faith defines who you are as a person and when building your online dating profile, make sure that your faith is represented. Online dating is just another facet available for you to find your soul mate. If you are unsure if online dating is something fit for you, then pray about it. Ask God whether it is the step He wants you to take. It is crucial to remember that it is God, not us, who brings us together with a spouse.

If you decide that online dating is something that you would like to try, then make sure that you do the necessary research to ensure you’re using a reputable service and your integrity is not being jeopardized. There are many dating sites that have a bad reputation; make sure that the dating service you decide to use shares your values and love for God.

There are many dating sites that are centered around Christian folks. Christian Mingle is very faith-based and reminds their users about the importance of God in their relationships. Furthermore, other dating sites such as E Harmony and Match.com provide features to help users, from various faiths, meet people of the same religion.

Online dating will help to optimize your chances of finding your true love. 40% million people in the U.S. use online dating today, therefore the chances of you finding a match is much better online rather than offline. Using technology will help you find other Christians that share the same interests and hobbies. Meeting a potential spouse at church, the grocery store or through family members is a possibility; however online dating will increase your chances and open the doors to a wider range of possibilities.

Do not look at online dating as a bad forum, instead view it as the evolution of dating as a whole. Christians can keep the same moral and ethical backing yet still evolve with the times – as long as their values are not misrepresented. It is reassuring that so many people have embraced online dating because it shows that society believes in love and despite the trials and tribulations that dating may bring on – there is still hope.

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