2024-07-09 2024-07-09

couple-fightWhen a couple goes through the process of a divorce, they may wonder and ask themselves whether or not God will stand by their side and provide. Everyone views divorce from a different lens. Some understand the conditions and are able to bend their opinion depending on the individuals at hand. While others are not as understanding and believe that divorce is breaking a vow that is unforgiveable. Either way the outside world is just that – outside. When divorce is under discussion the only people that have a voice that truly matters is the couple involved, their children, and the man upstairs. Couples should trust in God and know that no matter what he will always provide because he casts no judgment and forgives his children for their sins.

Many divorcees will find themselves asking God for a reason behind their divorce. Most people are so angry and distraught from the divorce, that they blame God. It’s important for divorcees to realize that God cannot keep a marriage together because that is the responsibility of the couple at hand. Instead couples should embrace the journey and seek God as a consultant for the road that lies ahead. Instead of blaming God for the actions that are out of his jurisdiction, individuals should communicate with him through prayer and ask for guidance.

Once divorcees are able to let go of the frustrations and internal struggles, then God’s presence is visible. Even though God is standing by as reinforcement during the entire time, his presence is not seen because it’s clouded by the anger and distress of divorce. Throughout the process, God will provide the necessary elements that an individual will need to rebuild a strong foundation. However, in order for the rebuild to begin the divorcee must be willing to embrace the road ahead and communicate with God.

James 1:2-4 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” The passage insinuates that God has a special mission for each individual and knows whole heartedly that the people at hand can survive. God believes that only “you” can accomplish this test and come out through this trial as a stronger person. At the end of the test, you’ll acquire a deeper sense of perseverance and maturity. Discovering this realization will provide a sense of peace and comfort during complacency. In addition, the notion that God is providing through this test will also reestablish his presence in a divorcee’s life.

Divorcing couples must stop asking themselves why us and instead ask themselves what is the purpose for our pain? Everything happens for a reason and brings forth a bigger picture. God is using these difficult times to teach you about the good and his glory. It’s relatively easy to hone in on the negative notions attached to a situation but it’s not as easy to focus and find the positive aspects of a difficult situation.

Once an individual lets go and places their complete trust in God, they’ll find that the pieces tend to come together. Accept God’s blessings in life just as you would accept the trials. The lessons will provide strength and wisdom that will last a lifetime.

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