Helpful Advice for Blind Dating
By Megan Carson
I’ve been on over 30 blind dates in the last two years. To me a “thoughtful set-up” by a third party is one where I would have more in common with my date than just being single and having a pulse.
Before I agree to meet any date (one who could be my potential mate or a new friend), I find out answers to a few questions: Do we have similar interests? Do we hold a common set of beliefs and values? How does the guy feel about travel, sports, and sharing dessert?
If we align on a few of these items, I set plans for a blind date. While blind dates may be nerve-racking, I know plenty of men and women who have found those temporary nerves to be well worth it when the end result was a deep and meaningful relationship.
Megan Carson is the author of A Year of Blind Dates: A Single Girl's Search for The One. She enjoys running, traveling, dessert, and trips to Target. Check her out at