2017-03-27 2017-03-27

Let Love Flow to You

By Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway
Sometimes we work too hard at trying to find love. Wouldn't it be nice to simply allow love to find you? Rather than working for it, you could just be who you are and do what you love, and let it be part of the natural progression of your life.

Sound like a fantasy? Truth is, when you are engaged in things that make you happy, you are more of a magnet than when you are feeling anxious and worried about finding a mate.

Love attracts more of the same. Joy attracts more of the same. Fill yourself with love and joy, and try these nine happy ways to be a magnet for love.

Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway is author of
Rituals for Love and Romance: Attract Your Soulmate with Ceremony and Self-love (HealingEbooks, May 2009) and the e-course, Find Your Spiritual Soul Mate. She is moderator of The Soulmate Project.  This is excerpted by permission from Rituals for Love and Romance, all rights reserved.

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