There are some couples who are, for whatever reason, able to maintain a deep happiness, a continual joy in each other. William Martin, in "The Couple's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation," draws from ancient Taoist philosophy and spiritual teaching to shed light on these relationships.
Happiness Is as Natural as Breathing
Do you believe that nagging each other
will bring happiness to your relationship?
Eliminate the pressure to change
and you both will find true joy.
Eliminate demands for loyalty and commitment
and true faithfulness will spring into being.
Happiness and contentment
blossom naturally in the heart that is open.
But the heart that is criticized and pressured
will close
and only the weeds of resentment
and bitterness will grow.
The bad news is that
you cannot make each other happy.
The good news is that
happiness is as natural as breathing.
Trust its presence in your hearts
and give it room to grow.