
Saying Goodbye to Your Angel Animals

By Allen and Linda Anderson

Honor your animal companion. Remember all that you loved and all that you miss. Celebrate a life well lived.

Do what your animal friend would want for you: Love still. Love again. Love forever.

Read and recite these meditations to help you grieve and heal from the passing of a beloved pet.

Allen and Linda Anderson are founders of the Angel Animals Network. Text is reprinted from "Saying Goodbye to Angel Animals." Copyright 2008 by Allen and Linda Anderson. Reprinted with permission of New World Library, Novato, CA. www.newworldlibrary.com or 800/972-6657 ext. 52.

I Remember You

Remembering honors your life and heals my spirit. Remembering creates appreciation and gratitude--two of the most wondrous salves for my secret sorrows.

I know that grief will have its day. I give myself permission to heal the wounds with remembrance of you.

What do I remember most about you?

Why am I remembering this today?

How will my memories of you help me to heal?

The Courage to Remember

I was honored to be present as you left your physical body. It takes courage to remember what it was like to be with you in your final moments. These painful memories of your death may become my greatest healing agent.

I imagine that at your death, your spirit leaped out of your body. I see you now--released and living happily without pain or suffering.

What do I remember about seeing you die?

What could I see spiritually that did not appear physically?

Memories of Daily Life

The details of what I remember about you will become stepping-stones across my stream of grief. I remember your unique personality, intelligence, and quirky ways. I vividly recall both the highs and lows of our relationship. I even remember the special foods you loved and how much you enjoyed treats. I still feel you sleeping close to me and all the comfort that your nearness brought to my nights.

I rejoice in and accept that whatever memories float to the surface are worthy of my attention, no matter how trivial they may seem to be. The daily routines and rituals we shared will be exactly what I need to recall for restoring myself.

Our Song

There is a song that always makes me think of you. The words to this song express how you made me feel and what you brought into my life.

I like to sing that song out loud or in my mind and think of you. I see your face as I listen to and sing our song. While I relax into the music, I remember how special you were. The song that was our life together will never die.

The Golden Thread of Love

My dear departed companion, you have reminded me that we are all connected by a golden thread of love that weaves invisibly through life’s fabric.

I will now gently think about your purpose in my life.

How did you make me feel connected to all life?

Why were you with me during this phase of my life?

Has some other cycle ended that coincides with your passing?

Family and Friends

I need family members and caring friends talking and listening to me about your love and devotion to me and to them. I will get their testimonials in writing and record them in my heart.

What support am I grateful to receive as I mourn the loss of you?

The Rest of Our Animal Family

Your animal family misses you. We all need time to grieve. I am watching the reactions of our other pets to your loss. Sometimes I am reminded of my own ways of handling grief.

I will talk to the rest of our animal family and tell them how you died. I will bring images to mind that will reassure them and myself that you are okay now.

What can I say and do to help your animal friends adjust to your absence?

My Needs Now That You Are Gone

You filled many of my physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs. I felt like a complete person with you nearby.
I must fill the holes left by your loss. I need to satisfy in other ways the roles you played as my caretaker, child, and best friend.

How will I fill the needs that you used to take care of for me so I can stop feeling so empty?

You Made Me Laugh

I remember those times when you caused me to laugh. Because of your playfulness and how you coaxed me into having fun, you added humorous dimensions to my life.

Your ability to turn everyday objects into toys and to get me to play with you reminded me that having fun is essential for a joyful life.

At which times during the day, when I tend to feel especially tense, could I remember what you taught me about play and keeping my sense of humor?

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