2022-07-27 2022-07-27
baby being held

As Christians, we have been taught that God is with us through thick and thin. It’s been drilled in our brains that whenever we are faced with a problem, He will be there to walk us through. He can help us overcome anything. He sustains us. He lifts us up.

Yet here you are, having found yourself in the NICU and feeling that God is nowhere to be found.

There is nothing scarier for a mother than the thought of losing her child. You want to help but don't know how. You are full of anxiety, uncertainty, and are feeling completely powerless. You feel your faith is shaken, because how exactly could God let this happen? Why isn’t He here?

Even through the fear God is standing with you. The teachings of His Word will not fail you. Through this painful experience, God is watching over your family. He is providing you strength and will help you live through these dark days. Here are some promises from the Lord you can remember if you find yourself feeling broken.

God can hear your prayers.

The all-knowing God hears our prayers. He is not just listening to the words, but the emotions, the motives, and the spirit behind them. He welcomes our whole person to cry out everything we are holding in. He wants us to give our fears over to Him.

To be able to speak to God in this intimate way is not only therapeutic for us, but comforting because we are entrusting our burdens to Him. We are lifting some pain off of ourselves. In Jeremiah 32:27 He says, "Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?" Praying to a God who cannot or will not help is futile. As Christians, we know that our God can and will.

When you are feeling like you have no hope, use this prayer to help rejuvenate your faith.

Father God, Your Word says that you have good plans for us, plans to prosper as a not to fail us. I stand firm on these words, and I declare and decree that’s my baby, who has been born prematurely, will grow according to the plans that you have for them. I pray for mothers that are going through the same ordeal all over the world. Father, give them divine strength. Help them to accept what has happened and to continue fighting for the fruits of their wombs through prayer. Amen.

God works through medical staff.

As parents, it can be so hard to give control over to others when it comes to our child. It can be even harder to trust in God completely when we feel like He isn’t watching over us. However, God is with our children when we leave for work, or head for some much-needed sleep or to care for our other children at home. God stays in that NICU. He’s fighting alongside your baby. Giving them the courage they need handle the next needle. Giving them the strength to pull themselves out of their next spell.

God is strengthening our baby’s nurses and doctors. He is there to give them wisdom and peace in the tough decisions they must make. He comes in the shape of fearless nurses, intelligent doctors, resilient parents and the strongest babies. God is working through each one of them to make a greater impact on your life. He has a greater plan and will use the tools He needs to set His plans in motion.

To thank your medical staff for watching over your child, share this prayer over them.

Almighty God, thank You for giving the doctors wisdom to save my baby’s life. I praise You for protecting them from premature death. As they fight for their life in the incubator, fill them with strength in their inner being that they may mature fully. Lord fill nurses and doctors that are taking care of them with the strength to take good care of our baby and all other preemies. You guide them when they are tired from working overtime for the life of others. I thank You for these fantastic caregivers that are working round-the-clock to ensure our baby is safe and healthy. Thank You for the technology that You have granted us to help secure the lives of babies that are born prematurely. In Jesus’ name, I believe and pray, Amen.

God loves us unconditionally.

God only acts out of love for His children. Therefore, all the “whys” in life should be asked with this reality in mind. When we are tempted to question God’s love, we must ask ourselves: what is the greatest display of God’s love for His children?

God demonstrates His greatest love in that “while we were still sinners (enemies, God-haters, and criminals), Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). Through our trust in this act, “we receive the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Romans 8:15). Since God is perfect, His fatherly love is perfect. He will never mistreat, abuse, or exasperate His children. He will never act with vengeful, hateful, or proud intentions towards His children. He is not rash and foolish, but patient and wise. He will never lie or break promises. That is why we can take confident peace in God’s fatherly love.

Having a baby in the NICU can be terrifying. Getting through each day seems impossible and you don’t know how to survive. When you are scared, lost and alone, God is listening. He is carrying your burdens so you will not drown, and can be a beacon of hope for your family. Do not give up.

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