2024-07-09 2024-07-09

jesusMost celebrations of Easter are usually entangled with chocolate bunnies, jelly beans and pastel colors. As believers, it’s important to teach our children the real meaning behind Easter and celebrate our faith by teaching little ones about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In Sunday school children learn about the ultimate victory and how Christ defeated sin and death in his crucifixion and resurrection. While the task of teaching your child of Jesus’ sacrifice may seem daunting, it’s important to recognize that you as a parent know your child the best – thus the lesson of the crucifixion should come from a parent and/or guardian. There are many helpful suggestions that can make the process easier.

1. Ask for guidance: Your trust in Christ should always be your salvation – and this instance is no different. Ask the Spirit of God to guide you as you look for the proper words to communicate the story of Jesus to your children.

2. Structure your teachings: Think about how your child learns best and their interests. Do your best to structure your teachings so that they’re appealing to your children. Look for ways you can make learning about the crucifixion fun and interesting. When speaking, discuss matters in an age appropriate manner. If your children range in age, then teach each child so that they can relate within their relative group.

3. Be honest: Yes, Jesus was hung on a cross, he bled and then he died. Avoid sugar coating the reality of his sacrifice. You don’t have to provide gruesome and gory details in order to teach your children about evil deeds of sinners. Don’t be afraid of scaring your child because they need to know the truth.

4. Its okay to admit that you don’t know: Before your teachings it’s wise to brush up on your reading and talk yourself through the story. However, prepare yourself for the questions that your child may ask – and moreover, accept that you’re not going to know all of the answers. If there are questions that you’re unable to answer then make a collective effort, with your child, to research the answer. But remember there will be some questions that do not need a great amount of detail therefore, a simple yes will suffice.

5. Be hopeful: Try to maintain the mindset that we refer to gospel as good news and remember the day Jesus died as Good Friday. Express to your children that they should not fear God’s judgment nor should they view God’s sacrifice as a sad outcome of death. Instead, teach your kids to rejoice and appreciate God.

Keep in mind, there is no true right or wrong way to teach kids about the crucifixion. The advice above is just an outline to assist you. No matter how daunting it may be, remember that it’s important for your children to understand and know the celebration of Good Friday, Easter and Jesus’ sacrifice.

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