
Maci Bookout Book CoverEveryone knows her from the hit reality show Teen Mom but now the public can get Maci Bookout’s perspective on the reality that she’s living. In her book Bulletproof, Maci tells her story and the personal struggles she’s had as a teen mom. “My goal is for everyone to learn who I am as a person internally, rather than see me through a TV screen. The show is very honest but I want people to see my point of view and to know what I was thinking in the moment,” said Maci.

Maci doesn’t glorify her experience as a teenage mother or the limelight that she has received from being in the lens of MTV but she talks about her experiences and how she wants nothing more than to help other women become stronger and give them the groundwork to overcome anything.

“I don’t have any regrets because there is nothing in my life that is bad. I’ve made poor decisions but I’ve always done the best I could at that time. I’ve been able to learn from it and grow. Everything ultimately worked out in the end,” said Maci.

Maci’s story and experiences can show anyone that if you stay determined you can achieve anything.

Maci recognizes her parents as her biggest role models. “My parents are my best friends and they were teen parents that got married at 17. They worked really really hard and became successful in their life. They raised my brother and I to be hard workers and always have had a healthy marriage,” said Maci. She believes that the strong foundation they raised her on is the same one she’ll provide for her children Bentley and Jayde.

Life is a learning process and Maci believes that she has had the opportunity to learn out loud on the show and in turn help others in the process. While she doesn’t believe that there is single piece of advice that has single handedly changed her life, she does think that her parent’s consistent teachings of respect and being a good person were key elements in her becoming who she is today. Their foundation has helped her understand that you should always surround yourself with positive people and enjoy life without allowing things bring you down.

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