2016-05-12 2016-05-12
superhero kid

All parents have hopes and dreams for their children. You want them to have a happy, healthy, productive life. When you hold the highest vision for your child -- when you visualize and believe in their ability to make good decisions, it will ensure that your child does so.

With loving, supportive energy, which sends out positive vibration and encouragement, you can hold the space for your child to create his or her desired life.

It sounds simple, but it can be easy to let encouragement turn into disappointment. For example, your child may be struggling in school, clearly not achieving what he or she is capable of doing. You want them to do better, but your thoughts quickly turn to focusing on the fact they are failing to meet expectations rather than focusing on what you want them to be. Focusing on failure will attract more of the same into your experience with your child. Therefore, it is essential as a parent to focus on what you want your child to be. This means envisioning them as a better, happier student, and practicing repeatedly that train of thought.

It also means coaching and mentoring them as if they are successful and happy right now.

How can we be a positive influence on our children? It starts by making sure to stay in spiritual alignment regardless of the situations your children are in. When we are in alignment, when we are in our highest place, which is positive emotion, our children will also aspire to that place as well.

The ability to envision others as their highest selves allows there to be positive change in our relationships by giving us whatever we are thinking about. When it comes to dealing with our own children, this process of envisioning is very powerful.

When you hold the vision of your children achieving what they are capable of, you are sending your support and loving energy to facilitate the changes necessary to make your vision actually happen. As you continue to focus on envisioning your child as his or her highest self, your loving, supportive attitude becomes the dominant vibration in the relationship between you and your children.

Your children feel that love and support instead of criticism and disappointment. They feel loved and supported, and their self-esteem grows. This love and support enables your child to make choices that will ultimately be life-affirming and beneficial.

 Sharon Ballantine has offered coaching and mentoring to help improve people’s lives since 2007, when she was certified as a Law of Attraction Life Coach from Quantum Success Coaching Academy. In 2011, she graduated from The Four Winds Society –Light Body School of Energy Medicine, founded by Alberto Villoldo PhD. To learn more about Ballantine and how she can help you to achieve your magical life please visit http://www.SharonBallantine.com.

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