2017-07-27 2017-07-27

While she had us laughing hysterically as Mary Swanson in Dumb and Dumber, Lauren Holly is now keeping audiences on the edge of their seats as Dr. Betty Rogers in the CTV television drama, Motive.

Lauren opens up to Celebrity Baby Scoop about the upcoming second season of her hit police drama. She goes on to talk about raising her three sons - Azer, 13, George, 12, and Henry, 11 – in Canada and what a typical day looks like for her!

CBS: You’re filming the second season of Motive. What do you think accounts for the show’s success?

LH: “I think the unusual order of events, the audience knows the killer from the beginning, is what makes the show different and interesting.”

CBS: Anything we should look forward to with your character Dr. Betty Rogers?

LH: “Dr. B and Angie develop more of a relationship. As the season unfolds, they need each other more than ever.”

CBS: Has the role made you look at death differently?

LH: “No, but it does remind me of the feeling I had as a kid at my first funeral viewing – the body was like an empty shell.”

CBS: You moved to Canada with your family. What is the main difference you notice between the neighboring countries?

LH: “I really wanted to raise my boys in a place where ‘celebrity’ wasn’t important, and where I could be closer to where I grew up (upstate NY). I love it here — it reminds me of my childhood. It seems more open minded and inclusive, and I love the seasons. This winter has been the hardest to deal with so far though. How long until tulips?? [laughs].”

CBS: What is it like raising three boys?

LH: “Life NEVER slows down [laughs]. I feel so loved, as do they. We are quite a team.”

CBS: If we asked them what kind of a mom you are, what would they tell us?

LH: “Probably tough – I have a lot of rules – but also fun and spontaneous.”

CBS: What do you like to do when you’re all hanging out together?

LH: “Either we pick a fun activity for the day like going out on ATVs, go carts, or skiing. Or we stay in PJs, make popcorn and watch movies.”

CBS: What is a typical day like for you?

LH: “Up early. Always hot breakfast, and we all eat together even though there are three departure times to three different schools. While they are in school, I run around and do errands, have auditions, workout – whatever needs to get done. Mondays and Fridays friends come home with them from school; Tuesdays one takes singing. Wednesdays and Saturdays they all play lacrosse (this season). Thursdays they all have music lessons – the singer is lead guitar, then I have a bass player and a drummer (they say NO chance of a boy band,). Since every other day is a crazy pace, Sunday is veg day.”

CBS: Tell us about one of your upcoming movie Hoovey.

LH: “I love this movie! It is a true story about a family that not only has to deal with a health scare, but then the ensuing financial drain. So many know this story too well, unfortunately. Still, the ending is so uplifting.”

CBS: You’re also in the upcoming film, Field of Lost Shoes. What was it like working with costar David Arquette?

LH: “I didn’t get to work with him, but I am so honored to be in the same movie with him. It is another true and amazing story from U.S. history.”

CBS: You’ve been in a lot of dramas – any desire to do a comedy again?

LH: “Yes! I miss it. I try to put a few laughs in everything I do.”

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