New Year's Resolutions

The start of a brand new year can be exciting. It’s filled with anticipation of the many good things that can happen in one’s life. It can also be filled with anxiety, worry and fear of the New Year being a repeat of the last year. Having the right attitude is the key when it comes to a great outlook and expectation for any new year.

Don’t get caught like most people and let the New Year just sneak up on you. You know it’s coming, so why not prepare for it. This is a time for you to get your mindset in the right place so you can take on the New Year like a champion that's been preparing for the medal gold at the Olympic games. If you don’t prepare for it, then it will certainly catch you off guard and you will find yourself off to a rocky start while others are seizing their moments of opportunity simply because they have prepared for it.

Here are 7 ways to start out a New Year.

1. Keep God first.

Stay close to God and His Word as you enter into the New Year. Seek Him for His guidance as you embark upon the then new possibilities that a brand New Year may offer.

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

2. Let go of the past.

Don't set your expectation based upon a past negative year. It’s so easy to let your expectation for good to happen in a New Year fall low because of some negative things that happened the previous year. You must learn to let go of what happened and leave it in the past. No matter how your current year has gone, it’s time to start expecting better days with the upcoming year.

3. Finish what you started last year.

Don’t get in such a hurry to make a New Year’s resolution, without first finishing what you started in the previous year. Start finishing those unfinished projects so that you can start out the New Year with a clean slate.

  • Finish last year’s to-do list.
  • Wrap up any unfinished projects.
  • Give yourself a clean slate.
  • Put what you didn’t finish at the top of the list for the New Year.

4. Don't fear change, embrace it.

Heading into a brand New Year can often times bring about many new opportunities your way. It may be time for you to start stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. Don’t be afraid to take the risk with a new adventure. If nothing changes then nothing changes. Without change, you might run the risk of repeating the same old year again.

  • Change is not bad.
  • Change is not hard.
  • Change doesn’t take forever.
  • Change is good.
  • Change is easy.
  • Change can bring about something you never thought was possible.
  • Change can be scary, but it can also be necessary in order to live the life you want.

Everything you want in life is on the other side of your fear.

5. Plan to do more of what makes you laugh.

Be intentional about doing more things that bring joy into your life and a smile to your face. Fill up your joy tank so that you can be ready to face whatever the New Year brings. Make sure that you don’t get so busy that you forget to schedule some activities that are guaranteed to give you a good time and plenty of belly laughs along the way.

A happy heart is good medicine and a joyful mind causes healing, But a broken spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22)

6. Encourage others whenever you can.

One thing is for sure, and that is people will always need to be given some encouragement along their journey. Be intentional and have a plan of how you can give encouragement on a continual basis.

  • Send an encouraging text message.
  • Post something encouraging on social media.
  • Go old school and call someone on the phone and talk to them.
  • Write a letter of encouragement and mail it to someone.

7. Keep moving forward.

No matter what last year brought, it’s important to keep moving forward.

If last year was great for you, then keep moving forward. If last year was bad for you, then keep moving forward.

Whatever the New Year brings, you must keep moving forward. Yes, there may be ups and downs along the way, but the mindset to move forward will keep you on the journey to something good. This can be a great New Year if you plan for it to be. Your dreams are still attainable. The life you’ve imagined is still out there for you and all you have to do is make a plan to go and grab it. Instead of thinking of everything that can go wrong, start thinking of all the things that can go right for you in the New Year.

  • Things can work out your way.
  • You can have that new career.
  • That relationship could be the one.
  • That business venture could be the deal that changes everything.
  • You can get out of debt with a financial plan.
  • You can live the life you have imagined.
  • You can step outside of your comfort zone and create something magical.

Make sure to keep up a great expectation that something good is going to happen for you in the New Year. Keep hope alive for something extraordinary to take place in your life. It’s OK to make a New Year’s resolution, however, make sure that it comes along with a plan that you are willing to execute in order to make the resolution a reality.

It’s your moment and your time to get ready to approach the New Year with a new attitude and expectation. It’s time to put the past behind you and step forward with confidence into what awaits you in the New Year.

Go ahead and say it.

This is going to be my year!

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