Mother’s Day can be challenging when memories are all you have left to hold. You’re fascinated by the sweet times when you reflect on the times you spent with your mother, basking in the glory of being recognized for your ongoing work as mothers. You might have spent some Mother’s Days with your daughters at a fancy tearoom or spa.
There might have also been times when Mother’s Day was simple, and all you did was sit on the back porch and drink sweet tea, laughing over funny “motherhood moments,” or go out for an elaborate dinner. But either way, you were happy to be celebrating with your mother.
Unfortunately, some celebrate this Mother’s Day without their mother’s precious presence, feeling all the feel regarding this holiday. As it approaches, it comes with some strings attached. It may be the first holiday after God called her to her eternal home, but it also holds a sentimental place in your heart. Mother’s Day is undoubtedly challenging.
If you’re trying to figure out how to celebrate Mother’s Day but find yourself merely surviving because grief has taken over, it’s an unfortunate burden. As Mother’s Day approaches, let’s try to find ways to honor those mothers who have passed and their precious legacies. Here are some sincere ways to celebrate your mother this Mother’s Day. Hopefully, these ideas will bring you comfort and a little peace.
Visit her favorite place or grave site.
There’s something peaceful yet somber about visiting the cemetery. The wind’s whispers and the rattling of the leaves from the surrounding trees create a calm symphony. It’s also a reminder that you’re there to feel closer to your mother, hoping to experience the peace of God’s presence. In most cases, He meets us there, bringing us comfort. However, if visiting your mother’s gravesite isn’t an option, try visiting a place your mother enjoyed. Whether it’s a coffee shop or a park, taking a stroll down memory lane is humbling. Still, remember that this trip down memory lane might spark awide range of emotions and churn up some forgotten memories. In doing so, you might find that it brings you some healing.
Watch her favorite movie or read her favorite book.
Connecting to things your mother enjoyed can make you feel like you’re connecting with her. In addition to reading her favorite book or watching her favorite movie, you could also listen to her favorite music. There’s something sentimental about digging into what your mother enjoyed or doing things she liked. If you listen to her favorite music, you may find comfort in the songs as you recall your memories, from the times she quietly hummed these tunes in the kitchen while she made dinner to the times she sang proudly and loudly in the car. This Mother’s Day could be the perfect chance to snuggle in your favorite blanket, watch your mom’s favorite movie, or read her favorite book. While doing so, invite Jesus to this tender time, asking Him to fill your heart with memories of your mother.
Make one of her favorite dishes.
We’re all thankful for our mother’s cooking. Your mom might not know how comforting her food was until you call her endlessly, asking for those recipes to help feed your family. Is there a dish that your mother was known for? What are some of your favorite things you liked eating while growing up? If you haven’t made them in a while or ever, this may be the perfect time to give them a whirl and celebrate your mother this Mother’s Day.
Write her a heartfelt poem or note.
There’s something cleansing about putting your heart down on paper, whether you’re a writer or not. Journaling is typically part of grief classes for healing. When we process and put our thoughts on paper, there’s restoration behind those soft-spoken and vulnerable words. They can serve as a balm to our broken and weary hearts. If you feel led this Mother’s Day, write your mother a poem or note. You might find some different feelings coming up from this, but writing generally gives a gentle way of connecting to your mother. Pour your heart out on the page and see how it can give comfort and peace.
Spend time with loved ones.
Even in small families, love can be fierce. Something extraordinary happens when we spend time together with our loved ones. We laugh, listen, share memories, and talk about the ones who’ve passed, including mothers. Sharing memories and talking about her reminds us that we aren’t in this grief by ourselves. It can also comfort other family members who miss her deeply.
Create something to honor her.
Some families host a charity event, volunteer, or plant trees to honor a lost loved one. Others make a craft like a necklace or a quilt. We can do so many things to honor and celebrate our mothers. Think about things your mother enjoyed and what you can do with your family to honor her this Mother’s Day. It doesn’t have to be excessive, just something unique and meaningful to you and your family. It’s nice to find endearing ways to celebrate mothers while honoring the dear mothers no longer with us knowing this holiday can be challenging.
Don’t forget to give yourself space.
Mother’s Day, other special days, and holidays will forever look different without your mother’s beloved physical presence. It’s okay to feel the burden and heavy weight of that reality, feeling consumed and overwhelmed with emotions ranging from sorrow to joy. If necessary, take time to step away and grieve. Whether surrounded by supporting and understanding friends or sitting by yourself, remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself grace.
On that note, know that many people are praying that you have a blessed Mother’s Day, finding ways to celebrate and honor your mother. Let your Mother’s Day be filled with the everlasting hope that you’ll be reunited with your mother again in heaven.