
Every year on Memorial Day we remember the fallen military heroes who gave their lives for our country. This American Holiday has its roots in the practice of women decorating the graves of their loved ones who died in the Civil War, and was first called Decoration Day. Although originally celebrated on May 30; since 1971 Memorial Day is celebrated the last Monday in May.

Most of us will celebrate Memorial Day with a long weekend packed with family and friends at backyard barbecues, camping or relaxing at the beach. Regardless of your plans this year, we hope you'll join us in remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrificed for our freedom and in praying for the men and women in uniform who currently stand in the gap around the world protecting our freedom. Let us also remember to pray for peace, provision and strength for the family members of our troops who remain at home while their loved ones labor on our behalf.

Read more about Memorial Day in our tribute honoring fallen American soldiers.

Also watch videos on Hulu from our partners Great Americans featuring stories of real Americans, including military service members, who do great things and people who do little things that make up the fiber of what this nation was founded on.

Have a safe and peaceful Memorial Day!

Most Sincerely,

Beliefnet Editors

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