Girl Holding American Flag

Before you make your grocery list for the cook-out you’re planning, it’s important to take time and remember why and what you’re actually celebrating on July 4th. Not only are you celebrating a nation you love and honor, you’re recognizing that event with your loved ones.

No matter who you are or what life events are currently taking place, we have an inspirational prayer for your fourth of July. Prayer is an intimate way you can develop your relationship with your faith and the Lord. Prayers should be a representation of who you are and be cultivated based on your life experiences and the person you have become. To commemorate this joyous day of freedom and hope, we’ve compiled prayers for everyone.


For the veteran from The Chaplain, the Reverend Edward L. R. Wilson, D.D. on July 2, 1969 during Senate prayer:

“We thank Thee, O God that the freedom we celebrate in coming days is not an attainment, but an obtainment that it is thy precious gift to man as a part of his createdness. We thank thee for the daring of our forefathers in reclaiming their “ancient rights.” We thank thee, too, for the heroes’ valor, the patriots’ devotion, the prophets’ vision, and for all the blood and sweat and toil by which our freedom was purchased. As we commemorate our national independence accept again the declaration of our everlasting dependence upon thee. In all joy and thanksgiving enable us to remain a nation “under God,” and give us grace and goodness to minister to mankind in His name. Amen.”


For our youth, the pledge of allegiance is a representation of their patriotism and how their contribution to society is part of our country’s melting pot. It’s more important, than ever, that our youth understand and appreciate the freedom that they have and respect the idea of equality that’s engrained in the pledge.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


For the millennial who wants desperately to preserve this country’s virtue, dignity and prosperity, the Freedom Prayer for Independence Day is for you. The prayer comes from the Book of Common Prayer from the Protestant Episcopal Church.

“Lord God Almighty, in whose name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for the nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.”

For Pastors

Sometimes less truly is more. The simple words we can offer our listeners oftentimes can be the most impactful. Instead of writing out a lengthy sermon, identify the quality over the quantity.

“Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to act in accordance with all the law that my servant Moses commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, so that you may be successful wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:7

Pastors and other worship leaders reveal the Holy Spirit to their members by reminding them how important their contribution, to the world, truly is – and how that impact can impact the lives of so many. The freedom we celebrate on the Fourth of July, is the power to be individuals and inspire others.

For the Philanthropist

The world needs more good citizens willing to offer up their time to improve the well-being for everyone. A philanthropist is always looking for ways they can impact others and reveal the glory of being an American citizen. It’s crucial that we band together and identify our progression and continued success as a team effort with prayer.

“Lord God, thank you for more than 200 years of freedom, protection, and blessing in America.

Help us not to forget the blessings and opportunity you give us each day.

Make us not forget the sacrifice of the many for all of us who live free today in our nation.

We pray for the safety of all of our military today.

We pray for our leaders from the mayors to the President that you would guide them to make wise and godly decision that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and honesty, as the Scripture says, (I Timothy 2:1-4).

Father, remind us to pray when we are tempted to complain.

Remind us to have faith.

Remind us to see our prayers as a tool of influence.

You are that influence. We pray for godly leaders and a godly influence in our homes, churches, institutions, businesses, and communities across our nation.

Most of all, we thank you for your presence and power for you are the source of all holiness, happiness, joy, and contentment. Amen.”

For Every Christian

On March 6, 1776, General George Washington issued a decree. During this time, he called for a day of fasting and prayer because our country was beginning a long battle for independence. We, as Christians, must remember the good and bad – and allow the unseen blessings to be represented and thoroughly appreciated.

“Set apart…as a day of fasting, prayer and humiliation, to implore the Lord and Giver of all victory to pardon our manifold sins and wickedness, and that it would please Him to bless the Continental Arms with His divine favor and protection – all officers and soldiers are strictly enjoined to pay all due reverence and attention on that day to the sacred duties due to the Lord of hosts for His mercies already received and for those blessings which our holiness and uprightness of life can alone encourage us to hope through His mercy to obtain.”

Prayers are more than words. They are the foundation for hope, faith, and our future. Reciting and memorizing powerful words of faith will help us establish and/or maintain a closer relationship with the Lord. It’s important, during holidays like the Fourth of July, to recognize the impact the actual celebration has on our lives – and how we can grow as individuals and as a community.

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