This list offers ten suggestions for your last-minute holiday season donations. The list focuses on giving to anti-hunger and anti-poverty organizations in the U.S., since America's poor are facing especially difficult times. This is just a small sampling of the dozens of hunger and poverty relief charities. For other worthy organizations, please see Beliefnet's links to service agencies or donate online directly to a group through Network for Good.

America's Second Harvest
Claims to be the nation's largest hunger relief organization. Oversees a network of more than 200 food banks and related programs.

Bread for the World
Christian organization committed to ending hunger. Advocates for civic engagement in poverty and hunger issues through congressional letter writing, media activism, and church mobilizing.

Center for Community Change
Works to reduce poverty and rebuild low-income communities. Helps people develop skills and resources for improving their communities as well as changing policies and institutions that adversely affect their lives.

Child Welfare League of America
Develops programs and policies that support the nation's children. Includes more than 1,100 public and private nonprofit agencies for children. Assists more than 3.5 million abused and neglected children and their families each year.

Habitat for Humanity
Ecumenical Christian housing ministry that works to eliminate poverty. Volunteers build simple, affordable houses along with those in need of housing.

Heifer Project
Helps poor families, in the U.S. and abroad, become self-reliant through donations of animals and training in their care.

A Jewish Response to Hunger. Allocates donations from the Jewish community to nonprofit organizations providing food, help and hope to hungry people of all faiths.

Oxfam America
Provides relief and implements anti-poverty programs in the U.S. and abroad.

Salvation Army
The nation's most successful charity, with $1.44 billion raised in 2000, the Salvation Army is an international relief organizaton.

Share Our Strength
Mobilizes thousands of individuals in the culinary industry to serve as anti-hunger advocates for the poor. Sponsors national campaign for food waste elimination in restaurants and groceries.

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