This holiday season, many Americans experience a dilemma--is it our patriotic duty to spend, spend, spend? Or should we still make an effort to buy fewer material goods and donate more to charity? Ordinary charities have been hurting in the aftermath of September 11, due to both the surge in giving to 9/11-related relief efforts and the sagging economy. Here are some tips for how to maintain charitable giving as an important part of your holiday season.

Where Should You Give?
Many choose to make the holiday season more meaningful by giving to charity. Here are ideas for which charities to donate to.
Note: Beliefnet does not sponsor or endorse any of the charities listed or linked here.

What Charity Are You Giving to This Season?
Share your favorite charity with other Beliefnet members on the message boards.

Holiday Charity Projects and Tips
Secret Santas, Sidewalk Santas, and more season-specific charities that need your help during this time of the year.

America's Top Charities
The editors of Worth Magazine compile the best environmental, education, health, human services, and relief and development organizations.

Giving After 9/11
Americans raised $1.4 billion for 9/11-related charities in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. But many of these charities are still raising relief funds. Check out these charities to donate to a 9/11-related cause this season.

The Future Looks Gloomy
Charities brace for tough times and scale back fund-raising goals in the midst of fear and economic uncertainty.

Hunger Relief Guide
This guide focuses on September 11th and Afghanistan refugees-related hunger projects. Information for how to donate to these groups this holiday season, plus information and links for other hunger charities, including faith-based hunger relief efforts.

Helping After 9/11
More ways to help the 9/11 relief effort.

Gifts vs. Charity
What Your Holiday Gift Money Can Do for the Greater Good
If you spent on charity as much as you spend on holiday gifts, how many lives could you change?

The Half and Half Holiday
Let's spend as much on charity as we do on Christmas gifts. By Gregg Easterbrook

The Hundred Dollar Holiday
Writer Bill McKibben advocates a simple Christmas.

Giving Tips
How to Pick a 'Good' Charity

Which Contributions Are Tax-Deductible?

Handling Mail Appeals, Telephone Solicitations, and More
Tips from the Better Business Bureau

Questions to Ask
Important things to know about a nonprofit before giving money.

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