"Cultures of Caring" reported these findings about American minority groups and charitable giving to religious institutions and organizations:

The church is the most significant beneficiary of African-American charity. The report noted that a survey by the Independent Sector from 1988 to 1996 revealed that 44% of African-Americans say they give to the church.

Native Americans
  • Giving to religious or spiritual activities by Native Americans is very individual and informal. This type of giving often centers on specific rituals and ceremonial activities (feasts, powwows, honorings, potlatches, giveaways, etc.).

  • Native Americans often are involved in mainstream religious giving through larger groups with mainstream ties, such as the National Tekakwitha Conference, a Roman Catholic organization with Native leadership that focuses on the relationship of indigenous spirituality and Christianity.

  • The most significant portion of Latino institutional giving is targeted to religious groups. Because more than 70 percent of U.S. Latinos are Catholic, the Catholic Church has been the traditional beneficiary of this giving.

  • Protestant evangelical groups have begun experiencing significant increases in Latino followers and their charitable gifts.

  • Due in part to the fact tha Asian-Americans practice a wide variety of religious traditions, little documentation of the practice and extent of giving to churches and temples by Asian Americans exists.

  • Asian-American Christian churches are often important providers of human services in their communities.
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