
Pumpkins, cool breezes, and the aroma of autumn candles are on the horizon.The beauty of the leaves turning red, orange, and yellow decorate the streets. The joy of fall is on its way and there is no better way to celebrate the occasion than with food, fun, and whimsical visions of weekend bliss.

But first, we will look at where the term "fall" and "autumn" came from. Why do we use these words interchangeably? Which one is correct? Autumn is a Latin word that comes from Autumnus. It appeared in the late 14th century and replaced the word harvest. Harvest comes from the word "haust." It means "to gather or to pluck." By the time the 17 century came, the word "fall" started to pick of momentum by people moving from the rural areas, and more into the cities in Europe. The fall season means to "fall or "die" like when the trees shed their leaves.

In America, people adopted the term "fall" rather than "harvest" or "autumn." "The two terms for the third season in the United States, while somewhat of a mystery, may have something to do with the spread of English to the American continent at the very epoch when "fall" began jockeying for position with using "autumn," Live Science reported. In the 19th century the British kept using the word "autumn" and the U.S., adopted the word "fall." Regardless of what word you use, the fall can be a time for joy, inner growth, and a time to live in the present. Allow these 7 tips to inspire you.

Enjoy the present.

This can be a busy time of year with school returning and the work associated with its preparation. Not only can this time be busy, but many are beginning to mourn the loss of summer. Think of this as a positive change to go outside more and to enjoy the beauty fall has to offer. Don't worry about the summer vacation, flip-flops, or winter. Enjoy the present. "Let yourself be fascinated by the customs of fall. See the season as a whole and coherent experience, colored in with light and tone and temperature and smell and texture and taste. Give it chance and look at it as a time to rest mentally, and create new memories. Identify the very best thing possible about fall for you," Psychology Today reminds us. Explore the richness of such a beautiful time of the year. Give it chance and look at it as a time to rest mentally, and create to new memories.

Eat better.

Time to enjoy pumpkin flavored coffee, bread, waffles, pies, and scones! We can also look forward to spices like nutmeg and cinnamon more on foods. Pumpkins are healthy! They have fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, copper, niacin, iron, and are low in sodium. "But pumpkin seeds shouldn't be overlooked either. The seeds, a great snack, are concentrated sources of vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants. They also contain an amino acid proven to boost your mood," Health.com shared. There are nutritional foods to look forward to as well. Sweet potatoes, pears, apples, and leafy greens are in season. This is a great time to check out your local farmers market.

Get outdoors.

Embrace the fall and the outdoors with a road trip or a hike to enjoy the season and the bright colors, and crisp air. There is more you can do, and you can't just sit in a corner. Your body needs exercise, fresh air, and a change of scenery. The fall has plenty to offer.  There will be festivals, shows, apple pickings, and vineyards to go to. There will be many local events to check out, so don't be a couch potato!

Fall cleaning.

Bring the outdoors in. Buy bright yellow orange mums to decorate the inside of the house and outdoors. "Look for indoor plants that work double duty, like English Ivy--they are not only beautiful and can make you happy but clean the air as well," Apartment Therapy offered. Open the windows to get some fresh air, and start cleaning. Get rid of clothes, shoes, old papers, and other items just creating clutter. See what you can give away to help others. Cleaning will make you feel better and the organization will help when you bring out all your fall favorites. Give the house a fresh start, and you too, will feel this way about the change of the season.

Start cooking healthy.

Fall is a great time to cook soups, apple pies, and use all the fresh ingredients fall offers. There is nothing better than cooking from scratch. It is important for your health. Avoid prepackaged foods that are loaded with salt and sugar.

Make time to prepare more healthy meals ahead of time, if the schedule is too packed. You don't have to be an expert. Start off with a soup, or a simple salad that uses local produce. Rachel Ray has a great recipe for a carrot and apple salad.

• 2 tablespoons honey
• 2 tablespoons walnut oil or EVOO
• 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
• 1 green apple, cored and thinly sliced
• 2 carrots, peeled and cut into coins
• 1/2 cup walnut pieces, toasted


In a large bowl, whisk honey, oil and lemon juice; season. Toss apple and carrots with dressing and voilà!

Release the inner cook inside of you. And if you burn a few things, that is fine (that is why the salad was mentioned). Just take on the challenge to create, and serve healthier foods to your family with no pressure. If this still intimidates you, take a cooking class this season to get the basics and to boost confidence in the kitchen.


Help a charity and volunteer to be a blessing to others. An act of kindness like paying for someone's coffee while standing in line, watching the neighbor's children so parents can get away, or just saying a kind word can make someone's day. Sometimes, making someone feel better and bringing joy to others can make us feel better, even when there are personal challenges.

Be thankful.

Allow this time to be one of gratitude. Be thankful for your family, friends, a job, or anything you can think of! "Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome the good," wrote author and poet Maya Angelou. Being thankful helps your mood and keep you from obsessing. Stop obsessing as our thoughts can doom emotions. You don’t have to be a perfect, but refocusing mental strength on the blessings will help with overall joy.

Finally, fall can be a beautiful time of year not only what transpires in nature, but the changes we can implement to experience our inner growth. Make this season a new beginning, and inspire a new chapter. Make it a time of exploration personally and for your family. By spending time outside, cooking new dishes (and eating), visiting new towns for a quick getaway, and doing a deep fall cleaning at home--the autumn can be your best time yet!

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