
On my way to work, I:
1. Walk with a spring in my step. I look forward to it.
2. Stroll. I like work but I'm in no hurry to get there!
3. Practically sleepwalk. Another day, another dollar.
4. Trudge. Agony awaits.

Take the quiz.

Work of the Heart
No matter what you do for a living, any job can a form of ministry.
By Judith Valente

Playing Hooky
Taking time away from the office can get us back into the flow of life.
By Arthur Magida

Bring God to Work
Seven ways to refocus your spirit when your job gets you down.
By Brian Finnerty

Born to Be... What?
Transforming your passion into a career.
By Belleruth Naparstek

Workplace Awakenings
The next time you get bored at work, try waking up instead of zoning out.
By Michael Carroll

Daily Spiritual Practice for Job Seekers
Simple ways to infuse spirituality and the sacred into your job search.
By William Carver

When Work Is Spiritually Toxic
How Opus Dei helped a stressed-out doctor find God on the job.
By Jenny A. Driver, M.D.

Listening to Life
How to discover your true vocation.
By Parker Palmer

The Zen of Being Busy
By taking one thing at a time, and being mindful of our state of mind, we can simplify the business of life.
By Zoketsu Norman Fischer

The Day I Said, 'I Quit!'
My body gave a message I couldn't ignore--my job was making me sick.
By Kelly L. Stone

Desktop Meditations

A Moment of Calm
A mindfulness meditation, narrated by Tara Brach
  The Lord Is My Shepherd
An audiovisual devotional
  Being Peace
A meditation on peace narrated by Thich Nhat Hanh

More meditations

Workplace Prayers
Prayer for Meaningful Work
Loving God, you made us co-creators in the process of your creation, blessing us with wisdom, reason, creativity, and skill. Bless all who seek meaningful employment that they may provide for the well-being of their families...
Read the whole prayer

More workplace prayers

Spirituality in the Workplace
"I am presently working for a large retail chain. This company has a dress code policy which allows for religious head coverings, but to wear one you must first submit a letter to personnel from your clergy stating the doctrinal basis of your need to wear the covering...Does my employer really have any business asking what my religion is or the details of why I am covering?"--Hrefna

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