Family Parenting Birth Relationships Marriage
What's Inside the Package?
Remember what really counts when applying to college.
By Jean Fitzpatrick
Kids & Prayer FAQ
Want to start your kids on the road to prayer? The authors of 'Circle of Grace' tell you how.
By Gregory and Suzanne M. Wolfe
Teaching Casey to Pray
Family prayer was a failure in our house, until one special night.
By William Stephen Cross
Conversations with God
A mother who rebelled against prayer as a child confronts her child's need to pray.
By Rosemary Bray McNatt
How an Interfaith Family Prays
The emphasis is on finding points of common spirituality where prayers intersect.
By Gregory and Suzanne M. Wolfe
New Year's Rituals for Families
You don't have to stay up past midnight to celebrate a festive, meaningful New Year's with kids.
By Meg Cox
I Let My Son Play with Toy Guns
One mom sees no correlation between childhood games and dangerous adult behavior.
By Barbara Russo
How I Disarmed My Gun-Toting Kid
To a mother who once felt the allure of shooting, even pretend toy guns are too real.
By Lauren Thompson
Boys & Guns: What's the Attraction?
Dr. William Pollack, author of "Real Boys," discusses the biological imperative.
By William Pollack
Beyond "Respect Your Elders"
How Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists view the role of grandparents.
By Anne Morse
The Amazing Growth of Christian Communities
From monasteries to '60s communes to today's 'intentional communities,' banding together is a Christian tradition.
By Deborah Caldwell
Not Your Father's Commune
A group of young Methodists are putting their faith in "co-housing."
By Tom Sine
Kids for World Peace
At the Bruderhof Children's Crusade 2000, kids from around the world figure if they can get along, adults can too.
By Frances Borsodi Zajac
Living Like Jesus
The Bruderhof communities have a long history of Christian faith and social action.
By Frances Borsodi Zajac
Journey Toward Wholeness
The author had everything he ever wanted; yet he still felt fragmented, unsatisfied. Then he took a radical step.
By Charles E. Moore
Cheating the Kids
Test-fudging schools send the message that what really matters is whether you appear to learn.
By Gregg Easterbrook
Mrs. Vogel's Abolitionists
Fifth graders in Colorado have taken on abolishing slavery in Sudan as their class project.
By Anne Morse
Unlikely Addict
An overachieving high school student's route into--and out of--cocaine and heroin addiction.
By Maia Szalavitz
Give Peace a Chance
Teaching kids to control their anger is a value that benefits not only your family but society as a whole
By Meg Eastman, Ph.D., with Sydney Craft Rozen
Blowing Up at Kids
When you lash out at your child, you lose a lot more than control
by Liza N. Burby
Bending the Rules
We never allowed our kids to hit us--except this once
By Steven Lewis
Taking the Pledge
The Graduation Pledge Alliance has students vowing to remember ethical and social issues on the job.
By Colman McCarthy
A Stepmother's Tale
The Christian Parent By David and Heather Kopp
What if the jealous queen decided to banish her resentment instead of Snow White?
My Son, the Dalai Lama
He was different from my other children. He was always packing his clothes and saying he was going to Lhasa.
by Diki Tsering
The Red Carnation
Despite poverty and a violent marriage, my mother gave her children what was most important in life.
by Rosemary Bray McNatt
What's Jewish About Mother's Day?
We've been honoring our mothers (and fathers) since Mt. Sinai. So why should we care about May 14?
by of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership
Marching for Justin
The mother of a 17-year-old slain in September at a Texas church talks about religion, gun violence, and the Million Mom March
Biting the Apple
How temptation at a young age later led to alcoholism.
By Therese Borchard
Mother's Day Books
Beliefnet's 10 picks for Mother's Day reading
May 2000
The Heart of the Holidays
The best children's books for Easter and Passover convey the meaning as well as the fun of these important religious feasts
Karen MacPherson
Harry's Horoscope
Who--astroglogically speaking--is Harry Potter?
By Barbara Schermer
The Bible Unbound
These CD-ROM collections take the Bible and study guides out of their covers and puts them on your computer.
by Karen Jones
Book Review: Two Jews Can Still Be a Mixed Marriage
by Holly Lebowitz
Like I Care
Raising compassionate kids
by Tom McGrath
Dodging the Homeschool Stereotype
I'm not a militia-supporting separatist or a seven-day creationist. The reality is a lot more complex
By Susan Wise Bauer
Homeschooling: A Banner Year
More and more parents are teaching kids at home for religious, moral, and safety reasons.
By Kelly King Alexander
Homeschooling for Christian Character
The author's goal is to break peer dependency and create a 'white-hot movement of God'
By Michael P. Farris
Home School vs. Regular School
From the 'Simpsons' to 'South Park,' homeschooling is hip. Find out what it's really like from two New Jersey homeschoolers.
By Kathryn Shum, 13; Africa Taylor, 18 and Amy Yu, 13
Creating Special Family Moments
Beat the midwinter blahs with everyday celebrations.
By Mimi Doe
What Good Are Godparents?
After a child's baptism, where, oh where do the godparents go?
By Heidi Schlumph
Frequently Asked Questions About Godparents
Non-Catholic godparents, the history, and more
By Arthur Magida
Should I Be a Godparent?
The author wonders if as a Jew she should stand godmother to a Lutheran child.
By Holly J. Lebowitz
How Kids Learn Gratitude
There are simple ways to cultivate your child's natural thankfulness.
By Jean Fitzpatrick
Spiritual Childbirth
The Goddess lives in hospitals too.
By Cassie Premo Steele
Raising Mensches
Two new books will help parents teach their kids about Shabbat, honoring their parents, and other matters Jewish.
By Vanessa Ochs
Whose Application Is It, Anyway?
A parent wonders if it's cheating to help her child with a college essay.
By Joseph Telushkin
What's Inside the Package?
Remember what really counts when applying to college.
By Jean Fitzpatrick
Fathers and Spirituality
Why are dads often silent when it comes to sharing their religious views with kids?
By Jean Fitzpatrick
Kids & Prayer FAQ
Want to start your kids on the road to prayer? The authors of 'Circle of Grace' tell you how.
By Gregory and Suzanne M. Wolfe
Teaching Casey to Pray
Family prayer was a failure in our house, until one special night.
By William Stephen Cross
Conversations with God
A mother who rebelled against prayer as a child confronts her child's need to pray.
By Rosemary Bray McNatt
How an Interfaith Family Prays
The emphasis is on finding points of common spirituality where prayers intersect.
By Gregory and Suzanne M. Wolfe
Teach Your Children Well
Advice on raisng moral children in the coming year. By Joseph Telushkin
New Year's Rituals for Families
You don't have to stay up past midnight to celebrate a festive, meaningful New Year's with kids.
By Meg Cox
God's Book Is Not for Kids
Is the Bible too scary for children to read?
By David Kopp
Teaching Tales: Yima and the Terrible Winter
A Zoroastrian tale of how man's resourcefulness saved the world.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
Teaching Tales: Bamapama's New Dream
A traditional Australian Aboriginal story about adapting to new ways.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
Teaching Tales: A Cup of Water in the Desert
A Sufi tale about what's important in life.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
Teaching Tales: The Way You Like It
A traditional Jewish story about being content with what you have
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
Teaching Tales: Lord Krishna and the Two Men
In this traditional Hindu story, man's view of others truly depends on his outlook
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
The Best Holiday Lessons
Tacking up menorahs and Santa is, well, tacky. But religious symbols can find a meaningful place in public school classrooms.
By Jean Fitzpatrick
Fathers and Spirituality
Why are dads often silent when it comes to sharing their religious views with kids?
By Jean Fitzpatrick
I Let My Son Play with Toy Guns
One mom sees no correlation between childhood games and dangerous adult behavior.
By Barbara Russo
How I Disarmed My Gun-Toting Kid
To a mother who once felt the allure of shooting, even pretend toy guns are too real.
By Lauren Thompson
Boys & Guns: What's the Attraction?
Dr. William Pollack, author of "Real Boys," discusses the biological imperative.
By William Pollack
What Good Are Godparents?
After a child's baptism, where, oh where do the godparents go?
By Heidi Schlumpf
Should I Be a Godparent?
The author wonders if as a Jew she should stand godmother to a Lutheran child.
By Holly Lebowitz
FAQs about Godparenting
Non-Catholic godparents, the history, and more
By Arthur Magida
Teaching Tales: The Tortoise and the Snake
In this traditional Yoruba story about sharing, the tortoise appears as the clever trickster.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
Dear Old Sufi School Days
The child who throws himself into a soccer game or lustily climbs a tree would not fit in at this Sufi school.
By Alan Gelb
A School of Another Faith
Know what to consider before you send you child to a preschool operated by faith other than yours.
By Holly Lebowitz
Loving Competition
Competition is often stereotyped as cutthroat, brutal, and therefore 'bad.' A former basketball player sees it differently.
By Mariah Burton Nelson
Teaching Tales: When the Cat Came to Muhammad
The traditional Muslim tale of making sacrifices to help those in need.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
In His Own Words: Noah's Story
How did a Christian boy with loving and caring parents and a wonderful life evolve into a 'pothead'?
By Noah Harpham
Little Boy Lost
When the child you love gets into drugs, you feel as if you're spinning in the dark.
By Heather Kopp
Teaching Tales: Who's to Blame?
The traditional Taoist story of how suspicion can alter our perception of others.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
I Should Be Joyful, but I'm Depressed
Depression during and after pregnancy is not uncommon. Along with medication and therapy, leaning on God can help.
Hugh & Gayle Prather
Teaching Tales: Why Fight?
A traditional Buddhist story about resolving problems by getting to the root of the matter
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
They'll Be Fine
You think you've had a tough time with back-to-school shopping?
By Patsy Hughes
Teaching Tales: King David and the Spider
In this traditional Jewish tale, the former shepherd boy learns that each of God's creatures has a purpose.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
For Some Interfaith Families, 'Pick One' Is Not an Option
Parents' groups are joining forces to provide formal interfaith religious education for the kids.
Excerpt by Kimberly Winston
It's Okay to Be Average
In a world that worships superstars, one mom believes that there's nothing wrong with having ordinary kids.
By Sally Stich
Teaching Tales: Who Am I?
A traditional Sufi story about the power that comes from being yourself.
Re-told by Aaron Zerah
Mommy, I'm Scared!
Soothing your child's fears means giving her the spiritual tools to feel secure.
by Mimi Doe
Onward, Christian Produce
VeggieTales overcomes the challenges of crisper drawer Christianity.
by Carla Barnhill
Parenting Before Conception
Preparing for your future child physically and spiritually.
by Carista Luminare-Rosen, Ph.D.
Casseroles on the Doorstep
In a time of need, a mother realizes how important it is for her kids to be embraced by a faith community.
by Jean Fitzpatrick
August 2000
Helping Children Manage Fear
August 2000
Mimi Doe
The Rage in Kids' Sports
Parents need to control their emotions at children's sporting events--lest the unthinkable happen.
by Shelvia Dancy
Religion News Service
Who are the Spiritually Gifted?
All youngsters potentially grow towards wholeness. Check out the 7 characteristics of spiritually intelligent children.
By Marsha Sinetar
Children Lead the Search for Spiritual Truths
Just give them love and structure, then get out of the way.
By Nancy Haught
Old Souls and Little Gurus
The spiritually intelligent, it turns out, sound a whole lot like the rest of us.
By Susan Wise Bauer
How Kids See God
A father asked his young sons and their friends questions about God and got some unexpected answers.
By Matt Witten
Dear God
Kids' letters to God open a window into a hidden world of thoughts, wishes, and questions.
By Stuart Hample and Eric Marshall
The Spiritual Life of Kids
Young children have a spiritual hotline to the divine presence. Don't talk too much--just listen in.
By Jean Fitzpatrick
A New Look for Vacation Bible Schools
Programs offer movie themes and "Veggie Tales" to revive a lagging summer tradition
By Mark I. Pinsky
We're Divorced, So We Try Harder
If you hung around our family, you'd see three couples striving to set aside their differences and put their kids first.
By David and Heather Kopp
July 2000
Word Power
July 2000
Mimi Doe
The Ambiguities of Fatherhood
Ask 10 people to talk about their fathers, and you'll get at least 10 different stories.
by Tom Ehrich
Religion News Service
The Faith of the Fatherless
Wonder why atheists hate God? Check out their relationship with Dad.
by Anne Morse
To Welcome a Child
Adoption rituals for your growing family.
by Lisa Konick
Strengthening Sibling Ties
June 2000
Mimi Doe
Getting Through Graduation
Parents have a a lot of mixed emotions about launching their kids.
By Ilene Springer
And the Award Goes to . . .
We need to recognize kids for being good people as well as star students or athletes.
May 2000
Rabbi Sandy Sasso
Kindness Counts
May 2000
Mimi Doe
Listen to Your Kids
April 2000
Mimi Doe
Toss the Pill, Spare the Child
What's the best way to get your kid to sit still? Create a Sabbath state of mind.
By Jean Fitzpatrick
Seeing Angels in the Soap Bubbles
March 2000
Mimi Doe
Circle Round: Raising Children in Goddess Traditions
by Starhawk, Diane Baker, and Anne Hill
February 2000
Book review by Deirdre R. Schwiesow
Starving Body, Starving Soul
The desire to look like a fashion model has bred a dangerous cult of dieting.
February 2000
Jean G. Fitzpatrick
Picturing the Divine
When it comes to understanding God, we need to help our children fill in the blanks.
February 2000
Rabbi Sandy Sasso
Surrendering to Motherhood
How Motherhood is Life's Greatest Journey
by Iris Krasnow
Wild About Harry
Without fantasy, we lose our capacity to approach God with the trust, wonder and honesty of children.
January 2000
Jean G. Fitzpatrick
The Conversation
The kind every mother would like not to have....
January 2000
Fran Moreland Johns
Start Now
It's never to early nurture your child's religious imagination.
January 2000
Rabbi Sandy Sasso
The Boy on the Bench
When we can no longer watch out for our children, we have to believe that God will.
January 2000
Heather Kopp
"Daddy has died"
There was no guidebook for how to tell my children about Dan's sudden death
January 2000
Debbie Jospin
How to Think About Heaven
Cynthia Rylant's new kids book is stunning. Maria Shriver's is a pleasant surprise.
January 2000
Karen MacPherson
A Rescue from Karmic Disaster
A mom discovers how easy it can be to teach a Buddhist lesson of compassion.
January 2000
Dharma Mom
Cinderella, the Dharma Queen
In which the Fairy Godmother stands in for Buddha, and the wicked step-sisters are punished for "self-cherishing.
January 2000
Dharma Mom
Baby Snake in a Cup
A Zen parable for adults and children
January 2000
Rafe Martin and Manuela Soares
The Tigers and the Strawberry
A Zen parable for adults and children
January 2000
Rafe Martin and Manuela Soares
The Lion and The Tiger
A Zen parable for adults and children
December 1999
Rafe Martin and Manuela Soares
To Welcome a Child
A few words on having your heart stretched.
January 10, 2000
Wendy M. Wright
Screen It! Movie Reviews
What's Safe at the Cinema?
How our Advent wreath helps us stop time.
December 20, 1999
Jean G. Fitzpatrick
Come, Lord Jesus
Advent calm amid Christmas frenzy
December 20, 1999
Christine Whittaker
Helping Kids Keep the Fast
In December, self-denial is a hard sell.
December 20, 1999
Imam Khalid Fattah Griggs
Gifts that Endure
On giving time rather than presents
December 20, 1999
Rabbi Sandy Sasso
Holiday Religious Books for Children
December 1999
Karen MacPherson
Birth Rituals and Resources
Conception and Early Pregnancy
Too Fruitful?
We Should Care for the Earth, But Multiply As Well
February 2000
Margaret L. Hammer
Surrendering to Motherhood
How motherhood is life's greatest journey.
February 2000
Iris Krasnow
A Tragedy in Which Nothing Happens
A couple struggles with the pain and sadness of infertility.
February 2000
Ben Daniel
A New Prayer, A Father's Prayer
The Spiritual Accomplishment of Fatherhood
February 2000
Matthew Blair Hoyt
To Get On This Team, You've Got to Make the Cut
Some thoughts on ritual circumcision
February 2000
Nancy Cahners
Say Yes to Circumcision
Why this ancient practice is still relevant to modern Jews.
January 26, 2000
Dorothy F. Greenbaum
Standing on Ceremony
Whether religious or not, a welcoming ceremony strengthens a family's commitment to a child.
To Welcome a Child
A few words on having your heart stretched.
January 7, 2000
Wendy M. Wright
Chanting Pure Sound in Childbirth
A pregnancy and childbirth expert argues for making childbirth more spiritual.
January 7, 2000
Frederick Leboyer
The Source of All the Confusion
What the Talmud says happens to babies the moment before they're born.
December 20, 1999
Annie Dillard
The Perils of Cross-Cultural Naming
What should a Hindu man and a Protestant woman name their New York baby?
December 20, 1999
Tunku Varadarajan
The Redemptive Force of Children: An Allegory of Adoption
A newborn brings the chance to see the world through new eyes.
December 20, 1999
Rabbi Melissa Crespy
Birth Rites
With the help of a witch, a second-time mother creates her own birth ceremony.
December 20, 1999
Laura Fitch
Letting Go of the Divine Matchmaker
The longer I felt God was making me wait for my perfect partner, the more pressure I put on any potential mate.
By Amy Sullivan
Why Men Seek Beauty and Women Seek "Bad Boys"
Successful relationships mean understanding what we really need
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Fitness Gyms: Sanctuaries to Find Soul Mates?
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Why Do I Feel Inferior?
Moving beyond the ego in workplace relationships
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
Spiritual Soulmates 101
A workshop I attended taught me how to find that special someone. Sort of.
By Ellen Leventry
Letting Go
Recovering from hurt and betrayal after a breakup.
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
Kvetching Around the Christmas Tree: His Side
A Christmas tree in our home means tradition to Heidi. I feel like I'm comforming.
By Howard Lovy
Kvetching Around the Christmas Tree: Her Side
This holiday season, I'll be interfaithing all over the place. Why can't Howard do the same?
By Heidi Rehak
Being Single
Humans were created to live in community. So how does one deal with feelings of loneliness?
By Debra Farrington
I Found My Soulmate in Myself
The search for the perfect mate ended when he discovered the pleasure of his own company.
By Bryan Aubrey
Should We Get Married?
Even with a history of failed and painful relationships, couples can start down a new road together.
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
The Real Jewish Love Day
Who needs Valentine's Day when there's Tu B'Av?
By Rabbi Schmuley Boteach
Heartthrobs and Holiness
What romance novels and the Bible have in common.
By Deborah Belonick
Relationships--even with four-legged, fur-bearing friends--change us in ways we can never imagine or anticipate
By William O'Sullivan
Eliminate the Negative
May 24, 2000
By Joseph Telushkin
The Little Miracle of Chimayó
An HIV couple go digging for hope and find out what matters.
January 18, 2000
By Kevin Bentley
Sex and the Single Evangelical
The church lady vs. the 'evangelical whore'
January 10, 1999
By Lauren Winner
Tough Love
Interfaith Dating
By Julie Carobini
Cooking in the Spiritual Fire
Throw yourself into a relationship so that it sizzles.
February 14, 2000
By Charlotte Kasl
On Controlling Anger
Restraining harsh words is a necessity in relationships if they are to endure.
May 9, 2000
By Joseph Telushkin
Meeting in the Rain Forest
Journeying far from home to find out what home is all about.
By Ira Rifkin
April 2000
Presence and Absence
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
The Couple's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation
Happiness is Natural
March 2000
William Martin
The Couple's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation
Be to Each Other Like Water.
February 2000
William Martin
The Couple's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation
It Can't Be Forced
January 2000
William Martin
The Couple's Tao Te Ching: A New Interpretation
Always Return
January 2000
William Martin
The Parent Trap I Set for Myself
March 2000
Meghan Daum
What's Wrong With Sex These Days?
March 2000
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
The Internet may seriously change courtship for those Americans not already seeing a shadchan.
February 2000
Sarah Cohen
Kosher Coupling: I've Been Set Up!
There's a lot to be said for personal autonomy and the freedom to choose anyone your heart desires, but don't discount the capacity of your friends and family.
February 23, 2000
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
A Celebrity to One
With nearly everybody searching for fame, only some are lucky to be showered by the healthy kind.
February 4, 2000
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Faith is Fundamental
Any dating partner of mine must believe--in something.
January 2000
Amy Sullivan
How I Came to Find Smart Love
Believing that God has something better in store than gushy sentimentality.
December 20, 1999
Joshua Harris
Protecting Relationships Through Forgiveness
March 2000
Hugh and Gayle Prather
Saints Valentine
Bouquets of love for my Mormon friends.
February 12, 2000
Linda Hoffman Kimball
Addicted to Looks?
Not all attraction begins with love at first sight.
January 2000
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Forgiveness For Our Own Good
What's the point of forgiveness?
January 2000
Hugh and Gayle Prather
Marital Stocks and Bonds
To preserve both your finances and your marriage, let God--not the almighty dollar--be your guide.
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
A Peaceful Home
India's ancient design traditions can bring serenity into your dwelling
"He Says I'm Too Sensitive"
Advice for better communication
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
Communication Breakdown
Advice for those who feel dissatisfied with the level of conversation in their marriages.
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
Why We Couldn't Get Along
Behind the flap over same-sex unions and a Christian marriage statement.
By Richard Land
Chronically Shy and Jealous
How can a wife overcome feeling simultaneously shy around friends and jealous of her husband's socializing?
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
Four Keys to a Spiritual Marriage
Spiritual tools to support your marriage along its journey.
By Greg and Barbara Markaway
Quiz: Is Yours a Spiritual Marriage?
Love for a Lifetime
'I Still Do' founder Dennis Rainey talks about why he believes so strongly in covenant marriage.
Interviewed by Holly J. Lebowitz
Marriage is More Than Passion
A couple whose flame has faded must bridge the gap between romance and friendship
By Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
The Conservative Protestant Family
Conservative ideas on the role of the Christian wife.
By W. Bradford Wilcox and John P. Bartkowski
Love Honor and Obey?
What the Qur'an says about a wife obeying her husband.
By Sa'dullah Khan
Your Interfaith Wedding
A rabbi's experience with interfaith marriage
By Rabbi Neil Kominsky
Money Matters
Money management is an ongoing issue in many marriages. Seven tips for integrating your values into your financial planning
by Humberto Cruz
Life in the Holy Fishbowl
The challenges and joys of being a clergy spouse
By Lisa Konick
The Conservative Protestant Family
Traditional rhetoric, progressive practice
By W. Bradford Wilcox and John P. Bartkowski
The Marriage Movement
Creating a renewed marriage culture by strengthening our commitment to marriage.
Online Jewish Matchmaking Services Do Away with Boundaries
By Jennifer Packer
First Baptist Pastor Stays, Despite Divorce
By Gayle White
This Stuff Is Beginning to Make Me Nuts
How to negotiate the little things that sometimes feel so big
By Hugh and Gayle Prather
May 2000
Why Marriage is Indefensible
In the Pulitzer winner 'Dinner With Friends,' marriage is an acquired taste
By Laurie Winer 04/11/00
Renewable Passion
The secret to hot monogamy is to see your spouse as others see him or her--exciting, desirable, and new.
By Shmuley Boteach
April 2000
Kvelling Couples
By Holly J. Lebowitz
March 2000
What's Wrong With Sex These Days?
Kosher Coupling
By Shmuley Boteach
March 2000
Text of the Reform Judaism Gay Marriage Resolution
Life in the Holy Fishbowl
The challenges and joys of being a clergy spouse
By Lisa Konick
Consequences Unclear
A vote for gay marriage can spur Jewish renewal, as feminism once did, or it can divide Judaism, like another past Reform vote.
by Samuel G. Freedman 3/23/00
Become the Spiritual Leader of Your Home
Make the Promise Keepers message endure by taking spiritual responsibility for your household--and its dirty dishes.
by Larry A. Jackson
Who Wants to Marry the King of Persia?
On Purim, we remember an earlier version of the recent television special. Only this time, the ending is quite different.
March 2000
Andrew Silow-Carroll
Protecting Marriage
California voters will decide the future of marriage.
March 2000
James Dobson
No Threat to Marriage
Every marriage faces challenges, but the legal status of gay couples is not among them.
March 2000
Ben Daniel
Why Do Baptists Have Such a High Divorce Rate?
The sexual revolution affects even the most devout Christians.
February 2000
Richard Land
Let Us Be Impatient With Prejudice
Vermont's next step should be forward for gays and lesbians.
February 2000
William Sloane Coffin
What the Vermont Court Has Wrought
Is this the end of marriage as we know it?
February 2000
David Orgon Coolidge
Kosher Coupling: Giving From the Heart
This Valentine's Day, give your honey a real gift.
February 12, 2000
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Who Took the 'St.' Away from St. Valentine?
Except for his association with lovers, this martyr at best had only a shadowy existence on the Catholic calendar.
February 12, 2000
Charlotte Allen
A Jewish View of Valentine's Day
Or, how I stopped worrying and learned to love February 14th.
February 12, 2000
Debra B. Darvick
Not-So-Funny Valentines
Women and men deserve a relationship based on self-sacrificial love, not one where sex is used as a bargaining chip.
February 12, 2000
Deborah Belonick
Overcoming Extramarital Infatuation
Nine affirmations to help you stay the course.
February 2000
Hugh and Gayle Prather
Pastor's Marriage 'Slave' Contract Slammed by Judge as 'Tyranny.'
February 4, 2000
Charisma News Service
Kosher Coupling:
How Kids Awaken Your Inner Child.
February 1, 2000
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach
Building a Household of Faith
Notes on a Project Under Construction.
January 2000
Gerrit and Rhonda Dawson
Stubborn Husband, Stubborn Wife
A Persian tale about a husband and wife who re-discover each other through their own obstinancies.
December 20, 1999
Allan B. Chinen
In the Biblical Sense
A guide to the booming Christian sex-advice industry.
December 20, 1999
Mark Oppenheimer
Season's Greetings--From Within the Family
How Religion is Being Privatized--Even at Home.
December 20, 1999
Wade Clark Roof