Thinking Man

Struggling isn’t easy, especially if you’re dealing with anxiety. Those who suffer with anxiety feel like their emotions are on a roller coaster ride, up one minute and down the next, and the people they are closest to can feel those changes. If you are that person, you know that these struggles can put an emotional strain on your relationships, especially if you don’t have the tools in place to know how to manage it. While anxiety can be confusing, frustrating and even intimidating, there are certain things you can say and remind yourself of that will bring you through some of the toughest of situations. Here are a few words to lift up when you’re struggling.

I am powerless.

One of the biggest steps to healing when you’re struggling is admitting that you cannot manage your emotions on own. It’s important for you to recognize the ineffectiveness of your attempts to change things on your own. This may mean it’s time to enlist someone’s help like a psychologist or therapist to begin to help you work through your problems. When you understand that you can’t control everything that’s happening in your life and you are powerless, the true healing can begin. It’s important that you begin to take your persona health and well-being seriously.

I am patient.

Dealing with a personal struggle can take some time to get over. No one can say exactly how long is too long to deal with that emotional pain. In a lot of circumstances, overcoming this pain can take a lot longer than you’d hope. Giving yourself time out for yourself and sorting through your feelings is a major step on the road to recovery. Again, wise counsel is also essential. Counseling can help uncover the real issues which may be blocking the healing. An objective third party can help you see things more clearly and move in the right direction. Your patience is imperative right now. Understand that this recovery process takes time.

I will no longer worry.

Most of us know that we shouldn’t walk through life fearful, but removing fear from our heart can be difficult. When we struggle, we constant deal with the internal battle of doubt and anxiety. Worrying can be harmful not only to our emotional health, but also to our physical health. Excessive worrying can lead to depression and can even cause us to become physically ill. When we worry, we get so lost in what “might” happen that we lose sight of our peace and happiness, and can no longer find our inner calm. If you are a chronic worry, there is hope. One of the best ways to overcome worry and anxiety is to remind yourself that whatever you’re experiencing is just temporary.

I will be open.

When you’re struggling, it helps to have someone to talk to, even if you don’t enlist the help of a therapist. People who struggle with issues like anxiety may seem like they’re stressed out all the time. While you may not see a therapist, there are things you can do to alleviate your anxiety. It’s easy to pinpoint when some people are worried and anxious, but for those who are good at covering it up, it can be difficult to discern when they are struggling with discouraging thoughts. These people can project such confidence and victory that we don’t see the signs when they are in great need. For someone who is chronically anxious, it helps when they feel like they can just vent sometimes. If this is you, turn to a friend in time of need. Those struggling with anxiety may not want to share what they’re dealing with.

I will be still.

Another great way to deal with struggle is to be more intentional about quiet time. A great way to do this is through the power of meditation. Scientific studies have shown that meditation is an important factor not only in terms of staying healthy, but also living longer. While people have commonly called upon healing power within themselves during crisis through meditation, science is also showing that meditation can stimulate healing power within your body. When you meditate throughout the day or before sleep, taking a moment to sit in silence and quiet your mind, it will bring you a necessary sense of calm.

I am mindful.

Some people beat themselves up when they’re struggling. Thoughts like “stop thinking so much” and “it’s all in your my” will pop into their head, but these are some of the worst things you can say to yourself when you’re going through these situations. It not only undercuts your stress but also your pain. For someone going through struggle, their fear and anxiety feels real and it is real to them. Yes, anxiety might cause their thinking pattern to be warped, but when someone is in the grips of anxiety, it is impossible for them to see that. A common aspect of anxiety is obsessively overthinking things. Anxious people have a way of overanalyzing situations and it can be difficult for you to watch them go through. If you’re struggling remind yourself that you are mindful.

Those struggling with fear, doubt or anxiety can find letting things go difficult. They are programmed to worry so not harping on a particular issue or concern can be tough. They ultimately benefit when they surround themselves with those who will advocate for them and when they remind themselves that their circumstances are temporary. Changing your outlook begins with you.

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