2016-05-25 2016-05-25

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In 2011, Christopher Bazar shot and killed his roommate and best friend, Donald St. Laurent at the home they shared. At trial, he admitted to be being intoxicated at the time of the shooting. After being sentenced to four to 10 years in prison, the victim’s family pleaded for leniency. The prosecutor agreed that Bazar never intended to harm his friend. Bazar was later granted a sentence reduction which opened the doors for a parole board appearance.

The parents of Donald St. Laurent embraced Bazar outside the parole board room at the state prison. The family will provide a job and home to Bazar, an act many may have trouble understanding. They explained in an interview with WMUR News 9, that the trial and sentencing have given them a sense of closure.

“It’s the end of a long road and the beginning of a new one,” father Donald St. Laurent said.

Later in the interview, his mother Deborah St. Laurent expressed a kind of love that passes all understanding.

“He's my other son,” she said. “My son loved him, and I love my son more than life.”

Watch this powerful video above.

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