
Steve Jobs, with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne, started Apple with hand-designed and hand-built personal computers in 1976. Fats-forward to today's Apple, with 51 million iPhones sold as of 2014, and a broad line of Apple products, all using "green" materials.

A group including U2's frontman Bono birthded the idea of a product line-up from which sales would generate funds to help issues on a global scale, such as the AIDS epidemic in Africa. In an initiative coined "ethical consumerism", which aligns with the Apple brand's ideology of sustainable products, a private for-profit company works with organizations that provide humanitairan aid, and The Global Fund was born.

The Global Fund helps fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria on a large-scale, with programs for prevention, treatment, and care, and a number of high-profile celebrities and for-profit entities have all joined forces with successful results.

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