Proteccion Civil Galeana NL

Max the yellow Labrador retriever is being praised after helping save the life of a teenage boy.

Juan Heriberto Trevino, 14, is from Galena, Mexico and attending summer camp in the Sierra Madre Oriental mount range. Last Sunday, he became separated from his group when searching for firewood.

Lost, Trevino slipped on moving tree trunks and fell into a ravine which turned into a 44 hour ordeal.

“I fell into a river that had no water and walked the valley searching for a way out,” the boy told the Spanish language news service Mexnoticias.

Though injured and disoriented, he soon realized he wasn’t alone.

Luckily Max the dog was trailing behind Trevino and followed him down the ravine when he fell. Max then refused to leave the child’s side until the proper rescuers had arrived as Trevino was unable to make his way back to camp.  The pair had only met hours beforehand.

Trevino told Noticieros Televisa: 'He stayed by my side the whole time, making me feel safe. I grabbed [Max] and put him on my legs to not be so cold and hugged the dog.'

He described how the pair slept under a tree and cuddled to stay warm the first night.

The following morning, Trevino set out again in an attempt to find a way back to the camp through the rugged terrain. The loyal and friendly dog saved him once again, by finding a puddle of water from which they were both able to quench their thirst.

Rescuers were able to finally find the pair and they were both airlifted out of the mountain range and reunited with friends and family. He was found on Tuesday morning by two rescuers on horseback. One said: “When he saw us, he ran up and hugged us - he had been so afraid.”

Trevino was taken to a nearby hospital where the whole situation only left him with exhaustion and dehydration.

Martin Castillo, deputy director of local police, said that the young boy was lucky to have Max by his side as it is “very easy to get lost in that part of the mountain,” which also tends to get very cold at night.

The deputy added “The child was lucky to find the dog.” Things could have easily turned very poor and tragic, but all are grateful for the happy ending.

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