cop car

A couple in Redmond, Washington was caught shoplifting at their local Target. Normal protocol for this situation meant calling the cops in to help mediate the situation.

However, upon further investigation it was clear to the police officer involved that he had to do something more.

The couple had two children ages 8 and 4 months who needed some basic necessities. They had tried to take diapers, shoes and clothing from the Target. The police officer realized the dire situation the family was in, and took his own money and paid for all the items that the family desperately needed.

Redmond Police Department's spokeswoman Becky Range said that officers often deal with shoplifters who are trying to support a drug habit or reselling clothes for profit. In this case, the officer addressed the situation and quietly walked to the cashier to pay for the items. Before he left, he directed the couple to local family resources.

The family was in such need, the couple placed a pair of shoes on the old child’s feet to wear while leaving the store.

The parents were served a trespass notice, but Target did not pursue any charges.

The officer declined to be identified. If it wasn’t for an extra attentive supervisor, the good deed wouldn’t have gone noticed at all.

In a post made to Twitter, the Redmond Police Department stated “Sometimes our officers don’t tell us everything. An attentive supervisor spied this in a recent shoplifting report” coupled with an excerpt from the police report about the officer’s good deed.

“These officers do these type of things a lot, but we don’t always know about it,” Range said.

Other stories have been in the news recently about the acts of kindness that police officers have been doing for their communities without expecting anything in return.

During a recent July 4th holiday event in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania a mom was struggling to decide if she should take her autistic son to see the fireworks. Because of the kind actions of an officer, she is glad she did.

Mother Sheena Jennings took her 10-year-old son Nick and as the firework show started, he became scared and asked to move. A police officer next to them took Nick’s hand and simply said “you hold my hand and if you get scared you squeeze it, I will hold yours and keep you safe.”

The small gesture meant the world to the mother, who was able to celebrate the holiday with her son, who had a smile on his face.

Despite so much evil, hate and drama that is in this world, it is beautiful to see when others go out of their way and offer to lend a helping hand.

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