2024-05-06 2024-05-06
Tama Kieves holding book 

Inspirational, ground-breaking, motivational, life-changing and creative soul is just a few words that describe author, speaker and career/success coach Tama Kieves. She left her job at a prestigious law firm in order to change inspire others to be happy. Kieves wanted to help others discover what their passion and goals, so that their lives could be more fulfilling.

Today Kieves helps others through her best-selling books, speeches and online workshops. Kieves will not let anything stand in her way and aims to help everyone live out their dreams and follow the path to their destiny.

What inspires you on a day to day basis?

Actually, I love my work. I love the LOVE that comes through me when I write and I’m “on,” or when I’m leading a workshop and there’s this power and presence in the room. I’m excited by the work I’m doing. I am so moved by the emails I get from others telling me by books have helped them. I’m excited by the artists, entrepreneurs, and visionaries I coach or meet in my retreats. I am inspired by their courage and their progress and the creative energy they’re bringing into the world. Being around creative energy makes me feel alive and full of possibility.

What made you change career paths?

I got to a level of emptiness and pain where I couldn’t go on. I was on partnership track for a major law firm and the more “successful” I became, the more meaningless life seemed. I wasn’t happy. I now believe you’re supposed to be depressed when you’re not living your calling. It’s not emptiness you feel. It’s actually the pain of fullness repressed—the unlived promise of your full potential. In the midst of my deepest pain as a lawyer, someone said to me, “If you’re this successful doing work you don’t love, what could you do with work you do love?” That did it. I had to try this adventure in my lifetime.

What advice would you give to someone that’s unhappy and who is not a risk taker?

First, keep in mind, when you have enough unhappiness---you will take risks! Desperation gave me courage.

But really, you don’t need to take big risks. This doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You don’t have to quit your job to do your dreams. Do something to follow your heart now. I’d say take an acrylic painting class on a Wed night. Take a teleseminar on alternative nutrition or building an internet business. Do something now. Get in the energy. Taste the magic of something you love, because the experience will transform you. It’s going to strengthen you and call you. You will meet new, right people. You will be in your element. Then it doesn’t feel like a risk anymore. Then you realize it’s a bigger risk to stay miserable and disconnected and not do your dreams. Passion is your greatest security.

Do you believe someone with low-confidence (in work and or/themselves) is capable of following their career dreams?

Yes. I believe this is a spiritual path. You are being called by something stronger and more amazing than your opinion of yourself. This is a healing path. I think you don’t have confidence before you start doing what you love. Doing what you love gives you confidence. I didn’t always feel like I could be a teacher or speaker. But in giving my gifts, and having them received, that gave me confidence. Everyone has a natural strength waiting to be unleashed. We are naturally confident when we are doing what’s natural to us. It’s all about the love.

Do you have any regrets? If so, what’s your biggest regret?

I believe everything happens for a reason, and in a right timing we could never imagine, so the big answer is no, I have no regrets. But if I did have one---I think it’s that I wish I’d taken my gifts and dreams more seriously—sooner than I did. We all think our dreams are frivolous and too good to be true. I now believe our desires are our destiny, it’s what’s calling us to be everything we’re meant to be. I wish I hadn’t doubted myself so much or wondered if this would ever go anywhere. But, then, all my personal doubts are also what’s made me a powerful, relatable teacher and coach.

Do you have any tips to people who are currently in career transitioning and following their dreams?

First, I’m just so proud of them! Mainly, I’d want them to know you have your dreams for a reason. You’re called to this path and you’re meant to succeed in the work you love. Your desire will take you all the way. It’s okay to feel like you’re freaking out or that you don’t know how to get there. That’s the path. But this is what I want you to know. What you believe and know to be true when you’re inspired---that’s the real you. That’s what’s true. Everything else is your fear. On the path of becoming inspired and unstoppable, it’s all about learning how to advocate yourself, love yourself, and encourage yourself through everything. That’s going to feed your stamina, determination, and creativity and keep you going. That’s how you’re going to wildly succeed.

I have a technique in my book Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! called the “Inspired Self Dialogues.” You write out your fears. And then you let your most loving, championing, wise Inspired Self write back to you. You could write to the Voice of Spirit, your inner teacher, or even the voice of someone who has loved you. Make it up, if you need to. For example, you might imagine--what you’d say to a best friend or your child, someone you wanted the best for, who had this fear that you just wrote. This technique helps a lot of people get in touch with their own deepest intelligence and grace. The path of any kind of transition or reaching for your highest potential often brings up fears. This is a great technique for going past the fear into the amazing life that you are meant to live.



Tama Kieves Book Cover

For more information about Tama Kieves, visit her website at Twitter, Facebook or at www.TamaKieves.com

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