
A daily devotional from Inspired Faith 365 Days a Year


Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him.

Psalm 37:7


Teach us, O Lord, the disciplines of patience, for to wait is often harder than to work.

Peter Marshall

DAILY THOUGHTWaiting at a red light can drive you nuts. It seems like wasted time - especially if you happen to be in a hurry. But life is filled with metaphorical red lights. Some of them God puts right in front of you on purpose - to slow you down, so you'll wait on Him.

Waiting for God's "green light" in any situation teaches you patience. It reminds you that some things are simply out of your control. It prompts you to stay close in prayer. It protects you by giving you time to mature. It opens your eyes to things you might have missed in your hurry to move further and faster down the road of life. As you're waiting patiently, God is working purposefully.

Heavenly Father, life is full of red lights, and they can be so aggravating and frustrating! I need more of Your patience in every situation that I face. Help me to slow down and enjoy the things around me. I know that You will work wonders in my life as I wait patiently for You. Amen.

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