
A daily devotional from Inspired Faith 365 Days a Year


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is the Father who is full of mercy and all comfort. He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4


Christ made no promise that those who followed him in his plan of re-establishing life on its proper basic principles would enjoy a special immunity from pain and sorrow - nor did he himself experience such immunity. He did, however; promise enough joy and courage, enough love and confidence in God to enable those who went his way to do far more than survive.

J. B. Phillips

DAILY THOUGHTWhen you are going through tough times, you may wonder why God allows it. Only God knows the reasons. What you can be sure of is that He will be there for you, no matter what circumstance you encounter. His love and comfort are resources that will see you through your trial.

And don't forget that others are watching as you lean on God's comforting arm in the face of heartache and disappointment. Your example may show them where to turn when they encounter difficulties in their own lives. Your sorrow will not be in vain if you are able to lead one other person to the comforting arms of the Good Shepherd.

God, sometimes other people can't comfort me the way I need to be comforted. Only You can, Father. Thank You for Your strong arms that wrap tightly around me. Thank You for being the God of all comfort, a safe and secure haven I can run to. Amen.

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