
Believing in Liberty and Justice for All

With all the news of violence and hate, it is always a good reminder to reflect on what we’ve accomplished in America and around the world. If you feel we’ve failed as the human race, fear not. We’ve come a long way. We have quotes from Morgan Freeman on Martin Luther King Jr., words from the women’s suffrage movement, and others to be a reminder, we can achieve greatness.

Keep the Dream Alive

Breaking Barriers

No More Walls

Finding Courage

Hope against Hope

Equal Rights

10 Reasons to Love Yourself
Loving yourself and who you are creates a satisfying feeling of contentment. Instead of fighting with yourself, beating yourself up or being hard on yourself, you accept yourself in your own imperfect skin. Romantic love feels great but being able to give love to you all the time trumps that! Here are 10 reasons to build your self-love: Read next feature >
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