
family-handSaving money can seem like a challenging task but if you stay committed you’ll discover that the rewards are well worth the efforts. Moreover, if the entire family is dedicated to cutting costs then the end amount will be a much larger savings. In the beginning, adjusting the norm may be difficult however it will eventually become an effortless newfound way of life.

Bring Lunch – Eating out is very expensive. The average lunch, for an adult, can range anywhere from $7 – 10. Multiply that by two (for parents) and then multiply that number by five days a week. Now that’s only if you’re just purchasing lunch and not stopping past Starbucks to get your infamous cup of Joe. On top of that costs, many students purchase breakfast and lunch from their school’s cafeteria. Instead of reaching for your wallet, reach for your lunchbox. Plan a menu of meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then head to the grocery store and purchase everything that you’ll need to fulfill your menu requests. You’ll find that you’re not only eating healthier but you’ll also save a ton of money.

Buy in Bulk - How many times do you find yourself heading to the store on your way home from work to pick up household items? Odds are that it’s much more than you may originally perceived. Instead of driving yourself nuts with lists of items you need, opt to purchase frequently used items in bulk. Amazon and Target have great subscribe and save programs that allow you to save big on your favorite products while also having the convenience of them being delivered straight to your door. Be sure to only purchase items you’re completely comfortable using. You’ll find that buying in bulk will not only alleviate the stress of shopping but it will also save your household big time.

Turn it Off – If you’re not watching the TV turn it off. If you’re not in a room turn off the light. If you’re not using the toaster unplug it. Implement strict rules about turning lights and power off when things are not in use. After a few weeks of consistently being cautious about your electric usage you’ll find that the power will slowly decrease – in turn, saving you a ton of money.

Full Loads – Instead of running the washer and dryer for an item or two, make a standing rule that says you must have a full load of laundry before you can run the washer and/or dryer. The same rule stands for the dishwasher. Be sure to only run the dishwasher once there is a full load of dishes. If there are only a few plates that need to be washed, enforce the rule of hand washing them. You’ll find that your water consumption will decrease and reduce the costs of your water and sanitation bill. In the summer months, it may even be wise to line dry some clothes to cut down on the energy that a dryer uses. There won’t be a drastic decline in the bill but you’ll find that ever little bit helps.

Mandatory Data Shut Off – Most families use a majority of their data at night during the down time hours. Enforce a mandatory data shut off. You control the hour that you deem as a respectable hour to enforce the blackout. You’ll find that your data plan can either be reduced or will avoid pesky overage charges that you may be use to paying. Also, no technology also gives the family an opportunity to spend quality time each night together to reconnect.

Saving money can be a much more successful experience if the entire family gets onboard. These options are just a few ways households can save. If the entire family comes together and maps out their expenses, everyone will discover many more options to save big.

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