2024-07-13 2024-07-13

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

When someone close to you loses their job, it can be hard to know exactly what to say or how to comfort them. You may not know the whole situation or have ever seen this friend hurt before. Sometimes a simple reminder that you are praying for them goes a long way. God can give you the words to say and help heal the pain your friend and their family may be feeling. Encourage them that God has a plan for them, and there is hope in the future even if it looks grim today.

If you need guidance on how to pray for a friend who lost a job, look no further. Here are 6 ways you can keep that promise and provide them with hope and healing.

Prayer for Friends Pain


I know the pain and confusion my close friend is going through right now. Losing a job isn’t easy and they are probably feeling like a failure right now. Please show them that they are anything but. Help remind them of the amazing qualities you blessed them with when you created them. They are strong, beautiful and can get through this pain. With your arm stretched around them, please provide comfort and stability during this difficult time. I pray that you help them battle the overwhelming stress that has come with this loss. I know with your help they can do anything.


Prayer for Friends Family


Losing a job can be hard on the entire family, from spouse to children and even the dog, if money is tight and even the smallest costs cause stress. Please let my friend’s family be lifted up during this difficult time. I pray that they have the strength to remain calm and hopeful even as things seem to be falling apart. I pray their children are fed and clothed, and please give my friend the courage to let me know if these basic necessities are not being met so I can provide help. I pray that the children are not affected by this loss and it resolves itself so quickly that they never knew anything tragic happened. I pray that their spouse is supportive and caring during this time and that their marriage grows stronger because of it, and not farther apart. I give my heart to this family and ask for You to give them the love and peace they need at this time.

In Jesus’ Name I Pray


Prayer to Ask God for Help

Heavenly Father,

I do not know how to provide help to my friend during this difficult time. I am offering an ear to listen and keeping my eyes out for new job prospects but I feel that none of this is enough. I don’t have the extra money to provide them with the help they need to get through this time. So, God, I turn to You and ask for Your help. Please bless this family with good prospects and help me keep my eyes open for blessing and opportunities. I cannot help my friend out right now, but with Your hand guiding me I hope to offer them more than they could ever ask for. Give this family the miracle they deserve right now. Shine your light down on them during this difficult time. Please give my friend the strength to turn to you and ask for help as well, so that he is also filled with hope.


Prayer to Offer Guidance

Lord Above,

Please use me as a vessel and work through me to help my friend in dire need. Losing a job is difficult and I want to help them in every way that I can. I offer myself up to you to provide the words the family needs to hear right now. Use me to help find the blessings hidden beneath the tragedy. Use me to discover the amazing opportunities you have lined up for this family. Use me to remind them of the power of the Holy Spirit and the great amount of hope you can give. Alone, nothing is possible. With you, everything is possible! Please help me to remember those words! I want to be a shining light for my friend and their family as they struggle during this time. I want to give them guidance and strength. I offer my soul to you.


Prayer to Share with Your Friend

Dear God,

Today, I stand here with my dear friend who is going through the pain of a job loss. Lord, they are struggling right now and are having a hard time understanding the meaning behind all of this. Please shine your light down on them, Lord, and give them the guidance to get through this rough time. Help show them the beautiful blessings you are providing them and the path you have planned out for them. Let them see that no trail is too hard to get past without your hand. I ask that you wrap my friend and his family in comfort and peace and take away the stress. Let him be filled with trust in You! We both reach out to you and ask for your healing hand during this time.

In Jesus’ name,


Prayer to Bless them With Positivity and Gratitude


My friend is beaten down after losing his job. Please, I ask you to bless him with positivity and gratitude. Help him to see all the amazing things that are to come from this blessing in disguise. I know you are planning something great for him to do with his life! His purpose on this Earth is hard for him to envision right now, so I ask you give him patience to wait until he’s able to understand. Let him turn his pain and suffering into something positive and gracious. As a friend, I will work hard to help him see all he has to be grateful for and offer the smile and hug he needs right now. Please use me to help him!


Don’t be afraid to turn to God when someone close to you loses a job. The job loss may be significant enough to hurt you too, and God will lend an ear for that as well. Let God use you as a vessel to help your friend during this difficult time.

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