
Wellth Book CoverNine out of ten times, when an individual is asked to define the word wealth, the word money is in some way associated with the term. However, this misconstrued perception is not entirely accurate. While everyone loves money, the numbers in your bank account do not define whether or not you’re truly wealthy. There are many more things in life than money. Jason Wachob gets that and because of the overwhelming wealth ideal he wrote the book Wellth How I Learned to Build a Life, Not a Resume.

Wachob created the word wellthy – which is a play on words that emphasizes the importance of well-being to you (thy) and to everyone else. In his book Wachob states that a wealthy existence is one in which happiness is attainable, health is paramount and daily living is about abundance. It’s a life in which work is purposeful; friendships are deep and plentiful; and there’s a daily sense of richness or overflowing joy.” Wachob hopes that people will read his book and be inspired to embark on their own person journey to find a unique and meaningful approach to life that’s not necessarily contingent on the size of their bank account.

If you didn’t know it already, Wachob is the man behind mindbodygreen.com. Before the huge success of Mind Body Green, Wachob was broke and depressed. He spent three years on the website in a tiny apartment with the support of his wife. Now the media brand is one of the leading names in wellness – and to think the site went from zero visits to 15 million unique viewers per month. Wachob’s theory is that everything is connected – our minds, our bodies, and our environment. Wellth isn’t another self-help book that promises change through a course of action. Instead, Wellth is a concept of living that reconnects with their self and inner being. If someone really wants a better life and to change then they have to be willing to rebuild their foundation on a new sense of living – a groundwork plan built upon wellth.

One of the most powerful words phrases that Wachob discusses is how an individual must take action in order to have real change. An individual must identify the connection between mind, body and ecology. All of these elements go hand-in-hand. The mind and body are not separate entities – they’re one. And our bodies are directly affected by the environment. Think about it – when you get a new outfit and have a fresh hair-do, you feel good and in most cases you stand a little taller. But your looks fade, change and soon your new outfit loses its newness. But if your mind, body and environment are connected it doesn’t matter if you or your clothes age because you have wellth.

Wachob’s is not your average self-help book. So if you’re searching for a quick fix then Wellth isn’t for you. However, if you’re looking for real change that will cultivate the rest of your journey in this world then Wellth is exactly what you need.

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