This article first appeared on Mooncircles. It is reprinted here with permission of the author.

Sun at 27.24 Pisces; Moon at 27.24 Virgo
Sabian Symbol for the Sun: "A fertile garden under the Full Moon reveals a variety of full-grown vegetables; the full satisfaction of the individual's basic needs."
Sabian Symbol for the Moon: "A baldheaded man who has seized power...we face the unpostponeable necessity for decision and transformation."

"The peaceful warrior learns first about himself. Before all else, self-knowledge must be found, for this brings an appreciation of sensitivity and vulnerability."
--The Art of Peace: Balance Over Conflict in Sun Tzu's The Art of War, adapted by Phillip Dunn
As if mirroring the tense situation on the Earth below, a grand cross hangs in the sky this Virgo Full Moon. Pluto and Saturn opposing each other form one axis of this cross, while Sun and Moon in opposition form the other arm. Pluto, about to station retrograde on March 22, is especially powerful right now. The symbol of the cross is reflected as well by the fact that we are about to pass through one of the four seasonal gateways of the year - the Spring Equinox on March 20.

The phrase "serve or suffer" is often ascribed to the Pisces/Virgo axis. This axiom offers us a key to understanding the symbolism of the cross. By channeling emotions of fear, anger, and despair into compassionate action during times of collective crisis, for instance, we avoid the crucifying paralysis that can result if we allow ourselves to remain frozen in fear. Yet another comforting symbol can be found in the nurturing, grain Goddess Ceres - She who feeds both body and soul of hungry humanity and who is often associated with the sign of Virgo. This Full Moon, the asteroid Ceres has just entered the fertile earth sign of Taurus, forming a harmonious sextile to Uranus, newly in the sign of Pisces. In addition, loving Venus and Neptune in humanitarian Aquarius are still conjoined, opposing Jupiter in Leo. Together, these alignments offer rays of hope and signal the emergence of innovative - even eccentric - new forms of peaceful service to humanity.

This was especially true on International Women's Day in Washington D.C. last Saturday when the Divine Feminine showed her true colors - and they were pink. As thousands of women from around the country descended on the capital, a sea of soft rose cast a translucent glow on a city darkened by thoughts of impending war and destruction. They encircled the White House in pink, and paraded up and down the streets singing and chanting in a spirit of warmth and merriment. On Sunday, the pagan witch Starhawk led a vibrant outdoor spiral dance - and the women in pink raised a cone of powerful Goddess energy over the monuments and memorials of official Washington. Another example of Uranus in Pisces is the forthcoming adaptation of Sun-Tzu's classic book *The Art of War* as *The Art of Peace.* (Tarcher/Putnam, may 2003).

So on this Virgo Full Moon, take time to marry the visionary dreaminess of Pisces with the practical, service-oriented energy of Virgo. Guided by the archetype of Uranus in Pisces, create out-of-the-box healing techniques, imagine eccentric ways of making peace a reality, and envision outrageous breakthroughs in the fields of mysticism and spirituality. Just like the Women in Pink, Uranus in Pisces is radical, iconoclastic, and pioneering - but in a softer, sweeter, more joyous and feminine way. Under this influence, transformation and revolution occurs in a flowing, artistic, and poetic manner.

Like the Spring bulbs about to burst into blossoms of yellow, lilac, and blue, global signs of peace are everywhere. So take courage and let your own soul burst into color as well. For even though the world situation may seem grim, the stars hold out hope that the cross of suffering in the sky above may one day turn into a dancing wheel of light and life.

(Look for the Aries New Moon April 1, 2003.)

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