The Capricorn Full Moon and lunar eclipse occurs just three days after the Summer Solstice - one of the four gateways of the year. It is the last of three consecutive eclipses, and follows on the heels of the Saturn/Pluto face-off. Taken together, these triple astro-signatures forecast a major turning point - for what a cycle it has been! As astrologer Maya del Mar writes in, we are in "a great change time." Some may feel like a close friend of mine - as if we have been tossed around in "a giant mixing machine and spit out on the other side." Yet though the eclipse may magnify feelings of uncertainty, the tension from previous months is beginning to recede. With the eclipsed Moon magnified in sober-thinking Capricorn, we are being given the time to regroup and reflect upon the changes of the past year. Drawing upon Capricorn's capacity to bring form and structure out of chaos, we can ground into reality the unexpected transformations that have affected us all.
Indeed, Mother Cancer and Father Capricorn, the signs of this lunation, are the "parents" of the Zodiac. Each in their own way generates and nurtures new life. Thus it is a time to gently cradle any seeds of creativity we may have birthed. It is a time to guard against negative intrusion, and to husband our resources, carefully coaxing any newborn talent, job, or relationship into fruition. In addition Chiron, the Wounded Healer, closely conjuncts the Full Moon in Capricorn. This indicates that that which has been broken can now be repaired. Drawing upon the loving energy of the Sun in Cancer, we can re-weave those parts of our lives that have been torn or sundered.
The shift toward new life this Full Moon is further magnified by a waxing Vesta/Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Cancer. Here we have the full blossoming of the Divine Feminine in all her fullness and power. Where Saturn and Pluto made conditions tense, fearful, and difficult, now the Cancer Great Mother comes along to shine her bountiful rays of vitality and abundance. Truly, it is as if a hard winter has passed, and a joyful and pleasurable summer is breaking out all over. Indeed, Mercury has just passed over the degree (9.59 Gemini) at which it stationed retrograde May 15, finally emerging from its "shadow." Doubt and confusion are giving way to clarity and resolution.
So this Full Moon, take one look back at the changes you have weathered in the past year - then cross the threshold and step onto the new road that stretches before you. The stars are shining bright now. They are encouraging us to revel in the gift of life here on Earth. Whatever your family circle, embrace them in love. Freely dispense encouragement, and be wildly generous with your affections. Eat, drink, and be merry, as the old saying goes. For though it may not seem like it at times, we are all on the journey together and need each other's support: the soul's journey toward greater love and fuller life in the spirit.
Look for the Cancer New Moon July 10th.