
ZoolanderDerek Zoolander and Hansel, portrayed by Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson, stirred up quite a following after their film Zoolander. The dim-witted humor left viewers with tears of laughter but within every humorous line there are definitely hidden lessons to be learned.

As long as you’re giving something 100 percent, the details don’t really matter – Everyone fails in life – even the picture perfect Derek and Hansel. However, it’s important to know that giving your all is really all that you can give. Never give up on your dreams but be willing to fall down from time-to-time. Challenge yourself on a daily basis by getting back up and seeking ways to be a better version of yourself.

Know how to make an entrance – When Derek and Hansel walk into a room, heads turn and the presence is felt. Making an entrance is part of your first impression – and everyone remembers their first meeting. Be confident no matter how difficult a situation may seem. The key to making an interest is embrace who you are and give others the opportunity to learn from your gifts.

Being ridiculously good looking does not necessarily bring good luck – Remember in high school when looks mattered. Well, in the real world it’s what is on the inside that actually brings true value. Despite Derek’s good looks he is forced to find himself beyond the pretty model demographic. It doesn’t matter what label you’re wearing or how beautiful your smile may be, if your personality doesn’t shine then neither will you. As Derek famously puts it, “Did you ever think that maybe there’s more to life than being really, really, really, really, really ridiculously good looking?”

Its okay to throw a fit when you feel like you’re not being understood – Yes, we’re condoning tantrums because in reality expressing your emotions is way better than keeping your emotions bottled up inside. From time-to-time reality can get difficult - the best thing to do is deal with it. Containing your feelings can force an individual to go over the edge. However, if that person would’ve just dealt with their issues the whole ordeal could have been prevented.

A good model strut can make all the difference – Okay, so it’s not necessarily the walk that a model walks that changes things. However, it’s the confidence that embodies the model strut that makes the difference. Having the ability to turn heads with your self-belief is a true gift. You’re going to have good days along with bad ones but always remember that your mood is emulated through your actions. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Embrace your flaws along with your strong points. Keep in mind that there is only one you.

Derek Zoolander reminds us that we too can turn left. In reality we are our biggest obstacle and once we’re able to overcome those self proclaimed notions, we will be on our way to turning left too.

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