praying, sunset, pray, man

What Do You Do When God Is Silent?

· No one escapes it.

· It will happen to you at least once in your life.

· It’s scary, frightening and will make you wonder whether you will ever be the same.

· You may feel like you’re going crazy.

· It makes you wish for your old life, however difficult it may have been.

· You will think no one else has ever gone through this and survived.

· You wake up at 3 AM and panic sets in.

· You may not talk about it to anyone. Who would understand?

· You think there is something wrong with you. Why can’t you just turn things around?

What is “it?” Quite simply, your world has turned upside down. There may have been any number of things that pushed you into this crazy time…your boss announces you’re fired, your partner tells you they’re leaving, an accident alters your life in a significant way, or your child receives a frightening medical diagnosis.

Most of us have experienced something like this at least once in our lives. So what’s the first thing we do when something bad or difficult happens? Research done at Brandeis University indicates that 90% of us pray. Wendy Cadge, a sociologist who directed the research, said in an article in the Washington Times, “(Most people who pray) imagine a God who is accessible, listening, and a source of emotional and psychological support, who at least sometimes answers back.” (Italics mine.)

But what do you do if you’re in one of those “sometimes” that Cadge mentions? You’ve prayed — for money, a job, healing from an illness, a loved one’s recovery — and nothing happens. Where is God during those times? What do you do when God seems silent?

I had that happen to me several years ago. One of my books, Listen: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis, had just been published. I was out on the lecture circuit and giving seminars, scheduling lots of radio shows and interviews, traveling a great deal. It probably sounds exciting, but to be honest, I was exhausted.

I remember praying to God to bring peace back into my life. I wasn’t sleeping. I wasn’t eating well. I felt awful. What did I hear back? Nothing. Silence. I felt like I was in a dead zone. This was particularly painful to me because my book was all about paying attention to inner guidance and I wasn’t hearing any! All I knew was that I needed to rest.

Most of us would just love it if the Universe spoke to us in a clear, direct manner. “Hey Lynn! I know you’re struggling in your life. Here’s the answer…” Followed, of course, with detailed instructions about what you should and shouldn’t do in order to be successful. In the bible, God spoke to Moses from a burning bush. (I don’t know about you, but if a burning bush started yelling at me I’d definitely run in the other direction!) But truthfully, don’t you long for this kind of guidance when you need direction?

I know that in my life during that dark period, I had no down time. I was ON all the time. All my energy just seemed to go out to other people — talking, helping, counseling, teaching. I wasn’t taking time for myself. There wasn’t any room in my psyche for spirit to reach me.

What I finally realized was there was a mantra of sorts going through my mind at all times. It wasn’t your typical “Om” kind of mantra. It was “I NEED TO SLOW DOWN!” I suddenly realized I was missing God speaking to me because I was drowning out this inner wisdom out with activity. I got so involved in my book promotion and other work that God's voice simply was lost in the crowd. It wasn’t until I really took some time to rest, to focus on myself, to be in nature, to sleep, that I felt God’s presence again.

If you read the Bible and other spiritual books you’ll know that God doesn't usually speak in a loud voice, but rather in a still, small voice; a voice that easily gets drowned out when you and I are listening to everything else out there.

Our modern culture fosters a great deal of impatience. People want clear answers and they want them yesterday. In other times and civilizations there was respect for the process of change, and respect for a person’s difficult choices. People understood that there was a correct time for actions and decisions. If you look to nature you can easily see the rhythm of life, the ebbs and flows of the ocean, the seasons of the year when leaves die off and let go and when they’re born anew in the spring.

Following are some things that I found helpful during my “God is silent” period.

Rest, Sleep, Dream and Recover

God often seems silent during those times of our lives when we most need guidance. It may be because we’re so exhausted we’re not taking time to listen. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do to feel better today? ” Whatever answer comes to you, do it. Answers I’ve received include, “Take a break and sit outside in the sun for awhile.” “Take a walk by the river near your house.” “Put your head on the pillow and rest.” “Read a comforting book.” “It’s time to turn the computer off.” Know in your heart these times of “silence” don’t last forever.

Talk to God

If you are waiting through a time of silence ask God these questions:

· Are You trying to get my attention to tell me something?

· Is there something I’m unaware of that I need to resolve?

· What do You want me to learn?

· Are You preparing me for something?

I realize that you’re reading this article because you’re concerned about God’s silence, so you’re probably not having immediate answers popping into your mind. Try a journal. Write out any responses that come to you. Perhaps simply think of someone you love and who loves you, and they’re giving you kind and loving wisdom and advice.

What You Say to Yourself Matters

You may be telling yourself that you’ve been abandoned, found unworthy, or punished by God. I believe that a loving God does none of these things. Try one or more of the following statements while you’re going through this difficult period.

· God has guided me in the past and continues to do so.

· There are many ways to hear God’s guidance.

· I am open to wisdom in all forms.

· God provides all that I need with comfort and ease, even in the silence.

Find Pockets of Quietude

In our culture we believe that doing, taking action, and making the effort are the most important ways to get out of a crisis. What if the opposite is true? What if you give yourself permission to simply be, and rest in order to find peace and solutions to your current confusion? Learning to listen requires two things: a practice that facilitates quieting the mind, such as meditation, prayer, or communing with nature; and an understanding or discovery of how you receive the answers.

Listen for God in New Ways

You may be expecting God to show up in a big and theatrical way — a flash of lightning, a dramatic rescue, a big booming voice from the heavens. Sometimes God does that. More often it’s through words of wisdom from other people, a TV show or a book. God might be revealed through nature, or a gentle smile from a stranger walking our way. Often God shows up as a fleeting moment of peace and tranquility in the midst of a difficult day. Sometimes it’s simply a word or two to give us a new direction to follow.

My best advice regarding a silent God is, keep praying, keep writing, keep reading, keep walking the path before you. Keep doing the things that have worked in the past (and will work again in the future). Know that we’ve all gone through these times of silence. Ultimately, this too shall pass. In the meantime, "be still and know” that God is there.

Lynn A. Robinson, M.Ed., is a leading expert on the topic of intuition. Through her work as an intuitive counselor she's helped thousands of people discover their life passion and achieve their goals. Voted “Best Psychic” by Boston Magazine, she’s also a bestselling author whose latest book is Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace and Prosperity. She’s also the author of LISTEN: Trusting Your Inner Voice in Times of Crisis and Trust Your Gut. She writes a free, highly popular Intuition Newsletter. To learn more about her books and intuitive readings, visit http://LynnRobinson.com

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