
Nothing is working out in life. The job, the house, the mate, and the dogs are now ignoring you? Maybe it is a rough day, or a stormy patch that never seems to end. The symbolic rainbow mentioned in Genesis seems just that a symbol for other people. In the midst of this everything seems miscued. What can we do with the lemons of life and when it totally sucks?

Things wrong, no matter what and if you’re going to survive and at least force a smile—we can considers the how we can be proactive and observe what we can control. Ultimately, when all else fails, and it at times it will—God is there, believe it or not. Being in survival mode or not, pick yourself up from that track to reflect on the following.

Bad things happen. No matter what people say bad things do happen to good people. We can’t control this, but we can turn it around and not let it move us to the point of extinction. Having free will people inflict pain, nature gives us horrific storms, and our own choices can cause pain.

God still loves you. No matter what, God still loves you. He is a judge and will correct us, but rest assured He has not abandoned you. All things work for the good, even if you can’t see it, now. “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose,” Romans 8:28.”

Trials are not always good, but God can work it out for the best, we need to trust and have hope that He will come through despite all the setbacks, tears, and the make-no-sense detours.

Another side. There is another side to the dark, the light will spring forth and God will allow His Glory to shine through the darkness in the night. Evangelist Joyce Meyer said “Whether we're hit by an unexpected circumstance, suffering for doing something wrong or for resisting temptation and sin by doing what's right, we have to go through things. But waiting for you on the other side of the hard times is the joy of obtaining the prize—the good result.”

Think on good things. Look and find the blessings in your life when all is lost. This doesn’t seem to make sense, but just praising God will take off the shackles of depression. Praise stops the devil, and this allows the Holy Spirit to move!

God is there when we lost our courage or don’t have the strength to speak. Choose to not just scrape by to survive, but to press towards thriving. Use the weapon courage and boldness that belongs to you in Christ. Find Scriptures, and speak life over the dry bones of life.

Look at ways on how you can learn from this. Jot it down, and reflect more on this. Be open to what God wants to do. Perhaps you can use this setback as a stepping stone to bigger things. Depression and regret will hold you back, hope will power you through.

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