
Jordan Matson was fed up with people complaining about ISIS, a terrorist organization, but not doing anything about them on social media. So the 28-year-old announced on Facebook on Sept. 16th that he was joining the Kurds in Syria to fight ISIS. The former US Army infantryman was sickened by empty words and a wimpy US government.

He left his job and girl, to join the fight against Islamic militants.

“I couldn't just sit and watch Christians being slaughtered anymore. I got sick of giving online sympathy. Five minutes of lip service does nothing. These people are fighting for their homes, for everything they have,” he told USA Today while recovering after a piece of shrapnel wounded his foot.

Many criticized the US for not being more aggressive against the militant group for the mass executions and beheadings of a US journalist this summer.

“For the US government, it's not about human life. It's about how they look in the opinion polls,” Matson who hails from Wisconsin.

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