
Many of us have probably been guilty, at some point, of simply going through the motions of life, failing to experience the intense burn of passion. A tragedy occurs when we begin to think that this is an acceptable way to live. Each and every one of us has a purpose and meaning that will ultimately define the significance of our time on this earth. The following tips are from my new book, The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change, to help guide you towards a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Walk with a purpose.

Passion is an underrated human emotion. It is something that you should feel each and every day. This deep-burning, unstoppable desire is the force that drives most people to reach their potential, finding a conviction for their purpose. A deeply rooted passion and sense of purpose can give you the courage to achieve things beyond what you ever thought possible. This is a fire that must be fed, not contained. Regardless of what your passion is find it, hold onto it, and walk with a purpose.

If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.

This adopted version of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s quote has guided me for years. Once you have found what makes you tick and have set out on a path to fulfillment and achievement, continue to press further into the distance. Becoming complacent and content is the quickest way to find yourself settling. Challenge yourself to always find a way to move forward, discovering just how much of an impact you can make. Always ask more of yourself and you will be amazed at how far you are capable of going. Define lofty goals and don’t be afraid to dream so big that you it scares you.

Surround yourself with those who make you better.

Perhaps one of the most important ways to define your significance is to look at how you have impacted those around you and how they have impacted you. Relationships and human interaction are the most valuable currency in the world. No monetary gain can match the internal growth that can occur from a single conversation or a lifetime of memories shared with another person. Surround yourself with meaningful and encouraging relationships, old and new. It is through these bonds that you will be given the courage and belief to be the best version of yourself while offering the same support to others.

Use these tips as mantras, serving as daily reminders on how to live a significant and meaningful life. Do not yourself short on who you can become. Strive to see just how far you can go and just how much of a difference you can make.

The Promise of a Pencil Book CoverTo read more check out The Promise of a Pencil: How One Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change. It is available in bookstores now.

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