The Soul Solution: Enlightening Meditations for Resolving Life's Problems by Jonathan Parker: Book Cover

Is your soul yearning for expression?  Are you willing to enter into deep exploration of what it means to live from that exalted place?  Jonathan Parker’s invitation to meditation is in the form of this user friendly guide book, called The Soul Solution:  Enlightening Meditations For Resolving Life’s Problems. He opens with these profoundly simple questions: “Who are you? ”  “Where did you come from?” “Why are you here, and where are you going?”  Most people believe that we are our bodies, our roles, our achievements, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Parker tells the story of his own spiritual en-lightening up  when on Mt. Shasta, he had a vision that included angelic beings and what he calls “an opening to the divine source” and “the light of the soul.”

He encourages readers to fully engage in the meditations which I found not only quite relaxing, but heart opening as well. Some of my favorites are The Soul Healing Process (pg 42),  Moving Beyond Fear  (pg 86) and The Inner Child’s Journey Home (pg 183)

Parker’s view is that it is all an inside job and that where we are at any given point in our lives is as a result of the ways we have sent energy to what we think, feel and do.

This 30 year veteran of teaching spiritual principles and founder of Quantum Quests International, Inc., offers insights on subjects such as: fear, facing ego challenges, and  love. He uses the acronym





to describe the areas of our lives that call for healing. His contention is that enlightenment is our natural state of being and that opening to Grace is our birthright. Stepping into what Parker calls The Soul Center, brings us face to face with our true essence, that opens the portal to the heart and full immersion in wonder.

Long may you glow.


Edie Weinstein writes the "The Bliss Blog"  on Beliefnet.

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