
Are you a person who gives up easy when things do go right? May life seems to be dull routines drenched in boredom, and apathy. Time might feel like it is dragging or working against us and we need to move out of the rut to enter a new cycle of hope, momentum, and happiness. Happiness and peace can happen for you no matter where you are today.

Making peace and enjoying the simple pleasures of life can help your mind, body, and soul. You can start by releasing the garbage of bad conversations, talk, disagreements, failure, and disappointment to rebuild lost joy. What is also counteractive to joy is complaining, procrastination, anger, resentment, unforgiveness, gossip, and seeking the approval of others–will eat into joy.

Helen Keller said the peace and success comes from you. You have ownership over. “Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

If we really do have this power, why can't we tap into it?

One reason is we allow life to choke the joy out of us. Chaos, jealousy, and other insecurities can cloud thinking and override emotions and focus. We need to do our part and be like Superman and send those distractions away by not getting caught up in them. When something strikes, put the shield up to dodge the little foxes that spoil the vine.

So, let's refocus, and move forward on what we can do to claim joy back into life.

University of California Berkeley reported:

“As the science of happiness and health matures, researchers are trying to determine what role, if any, happiness actually plays in causing health benefits. They’re also trying to distinguish the effects of different forms of happiness (including positive emotions and life satisfaction), the effects of “extreme” happiness, and other factors.” University of California Berkeley reported: “As the science of happiness and health matures, researchers are trying to determine what role, if any, happiness actually plays in causing health benefits. They’re also trying to distinguish the effects of different forms of happiness (including positive emotions and life satisfaction), the effects of “extreme” happiness, and other factors.”

Join Others

Author Christine Carter said in an interview with WebMD said it’s not just making our own way, but joy depends how we connect with to others. “A person's happiness is best predicted by their connections to other people," Carter says. Give some thought to how connected you feel to other people, like your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.” This could provide answers to a lack of joy. Friends make life more fun! Others agree: Author Charles R. Swindoll said. “I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friegossipnds who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it--friends make life a lot more fun.”

Be Thankful

Being grateful will help you get joy back. Try it. Researchers have found a connection to being grateful to our happiness. Start off with being thankful for the small things in life like food, shelter, and a gas to put in the car. Be thankful that you have it a lot better than others. This will help you deal with difficult people better and makes you stronger when you hit challenges or people that are difficult. Gratitude also helps boost the mood and overall health in people. Think of this as allowing you to see a bigger view of life, and to see what really is important. Having joy combats stress and helps us live longer.


Showing others kindness is planting the seeds of goodness in your own life. There is a link to being kind and a gene that releases that good old dopamine. ABC News reported on this topic of being nice and not being a jerk makes us more joyful. “Brain scans show that acts of kindness register more like eating chocolate than, say, fulfilling an obligation. The same pleasure centers light up when we receive a gift as when we donate to charity.”


Stop procrastination on the little things like cleaning house or washing the car. Long –term goals and projects as well is important in cut back this little enemy of joy. We can’t avoid procrastination all together, but one we are more aware of it, we can take measures to make sure it doesn’t take over. Procrastination is also a dream stealer, and creates more fear! When we are happy it does the body good. Stress along with procrastination can put a burden on body and weaken the immune system, and it can hurt vital organs like the heart.

“The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action.” - Alexandre Graham Bell

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