
The power of prayer is beyond anyone’s belief. No one can truly understand the grace and strength that lies behind the words derived from the heart and cultivated into prayer. When you communicate to the Lord, the utmost truth and selflessness is produced because you’re shedding all of the preconceived notions and stereotypes that consume your day-to-day. Instead you’re allowing Jesus Christ to take the wheel and be your sole navigator. Powerful prayer can take you into another realm of thinking – a place where the impossible suddenly doesn’t feel all that unattainable. Overall, it’s a place where everything feels like it has a place and isn’t destitute to chaos.

It’s important to remember that powerful prayer is different for every individual because it’s based on various circumstances – what’s going on in your life, what’s troubling you, what are your goals, what are the things you’re trying to avoid, what are your shortcomings and many other elements. When you find a prayer or derive one from your own words, it’s important to keep it close to your heart.

Romans 5:1-11

Father God, we thank you that your amazing unfathomable love has been poured out for us at the cross and poured into us by the Holy Spirit. We want to taste and experience more of the depth and breadth and length and height of your amazing love. Help us to walk by faith. Help us to endure in suffering. Help us to own our need of you. Help us fully embrace your Son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. So, pour out your love into our hearts, in increasing measure by the power of your Holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord. It is in his name that we pray, Amen.

Without our Father we’d all be lost. His unmeasurable love has given us life and provided us with the building blocks to continue with His guidance. It’s important that we recognize his suffering and not let it go in vain. Therefore, Jesus Christ will and should always remain our number one focus and reason for life. If we keep Him our focus and reason for life, everything else will fall into place.

2 Corinthians 5:6-10

Father God, we praise you for using us to bring joy to your Son, Jesus Christ. In the midst of all the struggles, pressures, and discouragement we face while in our frail, failing bodies, please continue transforming us into servants who are always of good courage. Lead us by your Holy Spirit to find rest in the grand promises that you’ve revealed to us in your Word. We confess that we are weak and that we need your help. Prepare us for the day when you will judge an account of all our works and offenses. Though we do not deserve your grace, we cannot even begin to express our gratitude for nailing our guilt and shame upon the cross through your crucified Son. Lord, we earnestly long to experience the moment when you will declare to us, “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your master.” Help us this week as we continue our walk of faith looking forward to the day when our faith will become sight. It is in the name of Jesus that we pray, Amen.

As Christians, we are children of God, and as His people we understand and thrive in His approval and guidance. We know that we are weak and cannot achieve greatness without His love and support. It’s important that whatever we choose to do in life that we make sure that we’re also honoring God in the process. God’s love does not hold judgement and He is forgiving of the mistakes that we make along the way, it’s important to continue our walk with Him by our side.

Genesis 37:1-11

God we thank you for the love and favor you extend to us who believe in Jesus Christ. We confess that we do not deserve your overwhelming grace towards sinners like us. We praise you though for choosing to make us new creations through our union in Christ’s death resurrection. Please turn us from evil thoughts and worldly distractions diverting our attention from you. Allow the Holy Spirit to open up our yes to clearly see your revelation in the Bible every day. Help us to learn from the examples of men and women that you have given us in your Word so that we might live more holy lives for your glory. Use your Church here and around the globe to shine brightly for our dark world. We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ and for his sake, Amen.

We are thankful to Jesus Christ for the sacrifice that He made in order for us to live. We ask that God help us stay pure and assist His children in making the right decisions in life. All in all, we have faith in the Lord and know that we can honor Him and live a glorious life which is faith driven.

The Bible is packed with life-changing scriptures and verses that we read and listen to during service. These powerful prayers give us the strength and hope when it is light and dark. Allow these prayers to embody your day-to-day. Allow the words to fill your heart with joy. Find solitude within the inspirational words and allow them to comfort you when you’re troubled. When you feel comfortable with your faith and prayer, then you can cultivate your own powerful prayer using the words the Lord has helped you learn. The more times you recite this prayer and find it useful, you’ll feel invigorated by the power of prayer.

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