
Each day is a brand new beginning upon which to draw and colour you dreams. Each and every person and situation is placed upon your path for a reason. Sometimes it is to strengthen you, to challenge you and help you grow, sometimes it is to offer you friendship and support and sometimes it is to give you a moment of laughter or joy. Release any judgement about what part they play and take each moment as it comes, with joy, anticipation and a little bit of excitement

As you begin to heal and experience living in higher vibrations things happen that you do not always understand at the moment they are happening to you. Your emotions can feel overwhelming at times and we wish to tell you that you will adjust to this new you.

Let the tears flow when they must, as they are a wonderful release from your emotional body. All tears are not because something bad has happened to you and you are sad, love and happy tears release such wonderful sensations within your physical body that it is good to let them flow. Allow the angels to help you release any pent up emotions and energy, and open your heart. Love is the strongest force in the known Universe. Claim it as your today.

As your vibration becomes higher, you become more sensitive to chemicals, additives, processed foods, and lower energies. Respect these sensitivities and try to avoid as much as possible, harsh items, situations and relationships. Your physical self will be so grateful and you will also notice the difference in all aspects of your growth.

Open your arms and your heart and let your angels shower you with blessings of our radiant love. Release any challenges to your angels and allow your heart and mind be filled with our love and support for you.

Affirmation: "My heart is open and filled with loving feelings and thoughts."

Develop and learn to trust your insights

You can find tools for understanding any situation or relationship by seeking the answers within you. The angels can help you to see the bigger pictures of things if you ask. It takes focus, commitment and intention from you and trust that your angels will go to work on your behalf. Learn to trust your own instincts and don't give up because it is not happening fast enough or in the way you expected.

Release the how and focus on the now.

Keep a journal and note all the times you trusted your own intuition and natural knowing and found what you were seeking. Keep track of all the times you felt guided and got to where you wanted to be. Soon you will notice more of this in your life, and the more you trust and follow these feelings and thoughts, the more grand the adventure of life becomes.

Affirmation: "I trust in my ability to gain clear insight into any aspect of my life, and clearly move forward knowing that I am guided and supported all along the way."


Learn more about Sharon Taphorn at www.playingwiththeuniverse.com

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