2017-03-27 2017-03-27
Archangel Raguel

Relationships are part of the human experience and require nurturing and love in order to grow. Take some time out of your day to be a friend to another and in turn, you will attract friendships based on mutual support, trust and understanding. You don't always have to agree with your friends, just be one. Ask your angels to help you attract more spiritually based friendships that are a balance of give and take, of inhalation, and exhalation, and to help blossom your existing relationships to new levels.

You deserve caring and loving people in your life, who treat you with love and respect always, just as it is equally important for you to be that for others. Cultivate your existing relationships with the harmony and balance that you seek and allow for healing to take place where it needs to. Be open to new dimensions to the relationships you have with everyone and in all that you do.

Call upon Archangel Raguel to assist with this healing as he is the perfect mediator and can help bring harmony and co-operation into any situation. Ask that you see the spiritual aspect in all of your interactions with others and to bring harmony and balance back to the middle way.

Weight your pros and cons as you consider making changes in your life. Look at both sides before you make decisions and take your action from there. Remember Justice is about more than just righting wrongs. True justice is about being fair and just in all your actions and dealings and living within your integrity and moral code. This is set by no one but you. Ask your angels to guide you to reach balanced decisions for yourself. Try to assess the situation instead of judging the people involved or the circumstances, or yourself. If you feel you are being treated unfairly, ask your angels to help you see the 'others' point of view as well as your own and act from that place within you that is balanced and comes from love and compassion.

According to the law of cause and effect, whatever you do to others you will, in the end, experience for yourself, therefore it is always wise to seek the best outcome for all involved and to hold everyone in the light of co-operation and for the good of all. Choose to give of yourself from that higher place of understanding and know it doesn't matter if you agree or condone others, it matters that you are willing to look beyond what you can see with your eyes and feel with your heart. It is a tremendous opportunity for your personal growth.

Always be the best you can be. Try each day to offer the best of yourself. This is fluid energy and your best will change from day to day, moment to moment, so be gentle with yourself. Be gentle with those around you as they too are trying their best, even if it doesn't appear so at the time to you. Each of you have your days that are better than others and moments that you wish you could take back and have a do over. You can in a way as tomorrow is another day. There is always room to move and improve and so much more yet to come.

Do not compare yourself with others. Honour each other and the path that they have chosen. It matters not that you would choose that path, it matters only that you support and honour who they are. You, and everyone else, are an important piece of the puzzle. Each one of you have, at some time, been there and done that as you learned and grew, so be ever so patient with those that follow for they too are just learning to make their way.

"Each day I do my best and each day gets better and better."

Do your best in all that you do and that is an important piece to the puzzle. Bring harmony and balance into all of your interactions with each other and you will be doing your best automatically. Let in the energy and principles of this league of angels and know that the outcome is truly the best for all.

Your interactions with each other will be many and unlimited, and there is no need for you to ever feel as if you are doing it alone, my deepest love, Archangel Raguel

Working with Archangel Raguel:

Archangel Raguel is one of the Seven Core Archangels in the Book of Enoch, however not according to the Celestial Hierarchy. He is the archangel who oversees all of the archangels, as his area of expertise lies in helping to create order in your life, strength and courage tempered with humility, expanding your senses, especially understanding and interpreting body signals, Justice, fairness and harmony. He acts like a mediator anytime you have a dispute within groups and helps us to see the bigger picture in understanding that everyone has a point of view and deserves compassion and understanding. He can assist us in all of our relationships and to act from integrity, honour and truth.

The colour associated with Archangel Raguel is a beautiful pale blue. Stones such as aqua aqua, aqua marine, turquois, angelite, or other blue stones will help you strengthen this connection. He works with us through our communication or throat chakra. Wearing his cloak of blue helps us to be in and speak our truth with love and brings us into alignment with our higher selves.

Learn more about Sharon Taphorn here.

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