
What is the definition of true, impactful leadership? What does it mean in the Christian world, or is it different if you’re a believer? We erroneously believe that managers are leaders, this is simply not true. Many people believe they are the same. Managers are more taskmasters, they work to make sure tasks are done the company’s goals are met efficiently.

A leader is a different skill set. Leaders are more proactive and can garner what they need from their team without using fear. Managers delegate, a leader builds a team where everyone plays a vital role in the making the machine work. Philippians 2:3 reflects: “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.”

Accountability need s to not come from the floor, it needs to come from the top. Everyone needs accountability, and a title does not exclude you. As a believer, we need to look to be humble, not so full of ourselves that we can’t admit mistakes.

 If you show that you are not perfect, people will respect you as well as the team. Humility is not a weakness. Philippians: Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.” Listening to your staff is important to keep connected to your people.

This doesn’t mean you need to be a doormat as you can’t make everyone happy. However, what happens is many leaders/managers allow a culture to build that is not healthy.

They may “listen” to complaints, but offer no constructive feedback on how to correct the issue until they experienced people pack up and go. There could be policies in place that need to be reevaluated. Being purposely oblivious is dangerous, and conducting an atmosphere that is built on fear is disastrous.

Who wants to engage with this?

 No one will people feel like they’re fading. This creates a more collaborate environment. “For even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many (1 Corinthians 12:12-31).”

Create an environment that rewards and celebrates people, not just a select few. If you promote people put it in a memo for all of those that received a nod. There are different personalities, but make an effort to know you’re people, of course with boundaries. Brian Fielkow is a business leader and wrote an article for Entrepreneur. “You must ensure employee behavior is in line with your organization’s values and that your employees not only understand the company’s values but also never compromise them. As a key executive, managing behavior is one of the most important things you can do to engender a vibrant culture and ultimately bring your company forward.”

Most people never take a leadership class. Take the time to do so, to make you and your team better. This can help with creativity, confidence, and ingenuity. Educating oneself will help you learn how to handle difficult situations and learn how to problem solve. Experts believe that there needs to be more focus on the positives when there is a mistake. This takes the drama way and allows you to think clearer. Often, when this is employed problems can be solved better.

Luke Lorio is an expert on leadership. He said in an interview with Business News Daily that an effective leader doesn’t just tell how to do something, but can do and show what needs to be done.

“Controlling people to do certain things in certain ways, you're not going to get the level of engagement that you're looking for. Coaching is about helping the people you lead recognize the choices they have in front of them. People will [then] take a great deal of ownership over the direction of the project.”

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