
Your conversation with God doesn’t need to be lengthy. There are no time tables, and no stress what time of day it needs to be. Talking with God can become as natural as breathing, and the mental benefits are equally rewarding.

Evangelist and author Joyce Meyer said we don’t have control over everything in life, but we do “have the power to change our outlook. Nobody enjoys a troubling or painful circumstance, but I’ve found if we look at it in a hopeful, faith-filled way, we can watch God work all things out for our good.”

What we can control is venting to God and being engaged with Him so we can hear from Him better.

Talking with God not only can elevate moods, but picking up the Bible also is powerful during times with the Lord. We need to spend time with God every day and just talk to Him like a friend.

This is during devotional time, and quiet time. Maybe you lost hope. Ask yourself are you really spending time with the Lord. Maybe it is nonexistent. Carve out time to talk with the Lord.

Allow Him to renew the mind, and spirit. Use a prayer guide. Set time aside during lunch to talk about the day. Seek forgiveness of sins. He is a loving father.

Do you know when we just complain with our friends it leads to even more depression, and sour moods? By shifting focus on God and what He is doing in our lives changes the mood from gloomy to a happier atmosphere.

This happens in groups or on our own. Don’t be afraid to approach God with concerns and questions Billy Graham shares.

“Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions when you don’t understand something about the Christian life; after all, God wants you to come to know Him more and more each day. Jesus’ disciples repeatedly asked for His help, and so should we. On one occasion they said, “Lord, teach us to pray.”

Romans 15:4 says we are taught to hope in the Word. The Bible was created for us to grow, find strength, and encourage us to pray.

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.”  If you feel blah, tell God about it.

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